Home TECH SECTION Equo Menù Marino – fish food – In depth review

Equo Menù Marino – fish food – In depth review


Equo Menu Marino

A correct diet is essential for our aquarium fishes, especially because our little friends’ only feeding source comes from us (versione italiana).

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There are many types of fish food that can be used in a tank, like granules, pellets, flakes, frozen, freeze-dried, and live food. We already discussed all of them in our beautiful article “Fish diets“, which should be the base of our knowledge regarding fish food.

It’s not a secret that my favorite between them all is the granulated food, obviously excluding live food, which would be the best under all aspects.

Menù Marino is the granulated food offered by Equo in this special field. I already finished my first can, and I am already on the second one. It’s been six months since I have been feeding my fishes exclusively this food, Equo Menù Marino.

At the moment my fishes are a Zebrasoma flavescens, a Centropyge bicolor, a Centropyge acanthops, a Neocirrites armatus, a Premnas biaculeatus var. Giava, fiftheen Chromis viridis now the size of tuna, a Macropharingodon geoffroy and a Calloplesiops altivelis.

Except for the Calloplesiops, which prefers something else, all of them feed greedily on Menù Marino, and they have been doing so for six months without a single death or a change in behavior. Six months may not be a period long enough to judge a new food, but I think I would definitely judge it if I had any death during this time!

Equo Menù Marino granules are made of ichthyc flours processed until the raw materials are completely balanced in a unique paste. This paste is then heated up and processed by an extruder which shapes it in several spaghetti-like stripes of different lengths, which can then be cut, crumbled or sold in that shape.

Equo Menu Marino in Macro

One of the advantages of this food is that after extrusion the paste can be enriched with vitamins, proteins, garlic, betaglutans, fatty acids omega 3 and anything else to obtain a perfectly complete food. Moreover, it can be vacuum-sprayed to make sure that granules are of the wanted size, they sink at the correct rate, they don’t flake off in contact with water, and they are of the right dimensions for different fish sizes.

Equo Menu Marino

Equo Menù Marino has a slightly negative structure, therefore the granules sink very slowly, giving each fish the time to feed. Once the food gets in the tank some of it will stay on the surface, especially if you use a feeding ring as I do, while some will start sinking slowly. This way the granules will be distributed more widely on spatial coordinates, creating enough room to allow timid fishes to eat undisturbed.

Centropyge bicolor si ciba da un anello posizionacibo


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