Home REEF AQUARIUM New Nutrobact from Equo – carbon for denitrifying bacteria

New Nutrobact from Equo – carbon for denitrifying bacteria


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Equo recently presented a new interesting product: Nutrobact (qui l’articolo in lingua italiana)

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Nutrobact is an interesting product because it is a specific nutrient based on carbon for denitrifying bacteria which helps the complete denitrification, very important for freshwater aquarium and for the marine one as well.

Denitrification in fact is the last phases of the nitrogen cycle, and it is as well the most complicated to do inside the aquarium, specially for the freshwater where it is almost impossible but even in marine aquarium it happens only partially.

Nutrobact Equo gives food based on carbon to bacteria and it allows them to complete the nitrogen cycle, we are almost talking about the beginning of bacteria growth and for this reason I suggest to follow the recommended dosage with care.

Even if  Nutrobact could be dispensed as solo product, Equo suggest to use it with the other products based of bacteria such as Bacterya and Bio-Nitronex which if used together could have results large than usual.

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Vials contains 5 ml of solution, each one deal with up to 500 liters of water every 7 or 15 days according to your aquarium response. If you should have some doubt we remind you that Equo take part frequently our forum and it’s ready to answer to your questions, also in english.

From a technical perspective it should be measured when you find nitrates marks. With this treatment, if you find the correct measurement, we are sure that in ten days it should be split them in nitrogen and oxygen. If the nitrates are low you have to reduce the dispense in order to avoid to reach to much “oligotrophic” values. Indeed they could damage our corals so it is important to find the correct concentration that allows to maintain a lower level of pollutants.

The vials manufacture has been improved thanks to the “score break” technology, the glass is carved to break the vial careful and safe, you can see the carve in the previous picture. The producer informed us that the other vials of the collection will be updated to this technology. The packaging contains also the pipe for the product dosage and the score break.

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Equo Nutrobact is contained into a new company packaging, more simply and clean than the previous, with his classic electric orange and blue letters. Like all Equo vials containers, even Nutrobact uses a polystyrene separator with the double purpose to don’t allow vials touch each others and give a limit to temperature leaps. In this way the solutions inside phials won’t be subject to fast temperature leaps which could ruin the mixtures.

Equo Nutrobact is on sale with packages containing 6 or 24 vials. The package with 6 vials costs 11,61 €, that means 1,93€ each vial, and 30,15€ is the cost of the package with 24 vials, 1,26€ for each vial that allows to save more than 35%. I suggest to buy for the first time the package with 6 vials, so you can understand if it is a product good for you, and then you can evaluate to buy the package with 24 vials and get the maximum saving.


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