Home TECH SECTION Seachem Phosphate Multitest – review

Seachem Phosphate Multitest – review



To value correctly the accuracy of the Seachem Phosphates multitest we get  help from two professional services, Triton and Fauna Marin, thanks to the  Hobby Acquari  collaboration for the Triton test and to Acquatic Life for  Fauna Marin test. We measured indeed a sample of water from my aquarium and then we sent the water for an analysis with both systems.

Results are as follow:

  • Posphates Seachem Multitest : <0,05 mg/l phosphates, then < 0,016 phosphorus (P)
  • Triton: 0,035 mg/l or rather 0,012 of phosphorus
  • Fauna Marin – phosphorus (P): <0,015 mg/l

As you can see the result is perfect. Although it is true that we are measuring a value close to zero and thus may be less representative than a certain value, but higher. All in all I think the precision on the threshold of perfection.

Below follow the instruction released by Seachem including in the test:

2016_04 test seachem fosfati 05

In our package we did not find an expiration value, and all reagents are numbered with the lot number from which they come.

Given the 6 months of reference and the 75 measurements would have the ability to run a test every two and a half days, for a measurement cost about 24 cents. Obviously, given the validated solution it will be possible to use the test for a much longer period while they must also make a water validated rating. Potentially even after more than a year after the test could be perfectly usable. Of course if you go to take a reading on the validation solution and an aquarium, in addition to the extra time needed it would mean that the single test would cost twice as much as previously seen, and then about fifty cents.

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We can count the test among the economic ones because it costs only 18,00 euro, but the accuracy is absolute, as verified by Fauna Marin and Triton. It is good to have in the package a certified solution that can validate our measurements even after months from the open, making  Seachem Phosphates Multitest useful till the reagents exhaustion and making unuseful, we can say, an expiration date on the package. Even if it would be useful to see a date of packaging.

For this reason, considering the test absolutely accurate, and that is what we care about, we can give it an high value in all parameters and assume it very advisable!


ico.piu.png Accurate
ico.piu.png Validate solution inside the packaging for a long use of the test
ico.piu.png High number of measurement
ico.piu.png Reasonable price


ico.meno The use of the plate is something that you have to get used.
ico.meno The color scale is a bit small

Seachem Phosphates Multitest

Constructive Quality
Value for Money


Seachem is distributed in Italy by CIA – Centro Internazionale Acquari, you can contact them for any information about the product and we thanks them to gave us the test we reviewed in this article.


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