Home REPORTAGES PetsFestival 2016 at Piacenza Expo: Our Editorial

PetsFestival 2016 at Piacenza Expo: Our Editorial



During Saturday and Sunday, October 22 and 23, took place the fourth triumphal edition of PetsFestival in Piacenza Expo’s exhibition complex. Let’s see what happened in our usual editorial (italy-flag-28x19 qui la versione in italiano del nostro editoriale).

Amtra sconto 20%

This fourth year of PetsFestival has been rich of huge confirmations. Unluckily we still haven’t an official estimate, but starting from the first year’s 23.000 presences, and the 30.000 people of the second and the third year, this time we may exceeded the 35.000. A triumph of audience divided in all the parts of the PetsFestival.

As you know, the PetsFestival was born by an intuition of Marco Rosetti and Gian Domenico Palieri. They created an event with animals as its core and which has developed around the aquariums-dogs-cats triptych (in order of importance and people concerning, at least, to the very first years), mainly due to the collaboration with Italian website AcquaPortal.

Today, the concept of the event grew and evolved. Other species gained importance, like small animals, reptiles, amphibians, birds, horses, falconry and so on.  A complete event which attracted thousands of enthusiasts and simple curious. From an aquaristically point of view, that surely has a major relevance for those who read these pages, the major part of the enthusiasts in aquariums has shown itself during Saturday morning, as usual, to chose the better corals on sell.

Leaving Sunday for those who couldn’t be present on Saturday. According to the booths, basically the bulk of the public has surely presented on Saturday, when there was much more interest in the spaces dedicated to aquariums than to the ones about dogs and cats. On Sunday, instead, the situation reversed, because there was more interest in other animals rather than in fish tanks.

The SPS and LPS particular aquarium in ReefLine booth, curated by the boys of the Hobby Acquari store in Bologna.

Like the previous edition, this year too I was present since Saturday opening to almost Sunday closing. It’s the same time I devoted to the Nuremberg Interzoo, and it hasn’t been a waste of time at all. This will be testified by the amount of the articles I’m going to show you in the next few days. Though I couldn’t do all the things I had planned. There will be also Mike Paletta’s conference and the entire class of Aquascaping organized by Equo, Gaia Italia, Newa and Anubias with the extraordinary participation of Greg Charlet, Enrico Fortuna and Roberto Bielli.

Excuse me for repeating myself again, and if this shouldn’t be so much interesting for you readers, but the diversification in the animal species presented was certainly the winning choice. Making all the family agree, in order to spend a different weekend, was surely the success key of the entire event. Sure it would be difficult to expect visits from entire families for an exhibition with only technical equipment for aquariums, a few fish (a very, very few in fact) and many colorful corals. And without forgetting all the aquariums dedicated to the aquascaping and the numerous live events that had taken place. So, thumbs up for all the acquaristically part, as it has been seen.

Obviously, we will talk just about the aquarist part, since we’re sure that our readers are most interested in this. So, we will try to analyze the dynamics of the event, all the news e we will let you see our best pictures.

Pterois volitans (lion fish) in the Sensory Tunnel organized by the store Barriera Corallina

The praise for the most beautiful thing in the PetsFestival goes to the Barriera Corallina store, that with the construction of the Sensory Tunnel, lighted tank to Teckno Green lights, amazed the audience so much that at certain times the queue to access was incredibly long. In the next days we’ll do a detailed study about, with photos and videos. But we’ll be back on.


Our reportage continues and ends on page two


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