Home REPORTAGES Interzoo 2018: Sicce presents all kinds of new pumps

Interzoo 2018: Sicce presents all kinds of new pumps


New skimmer pumps PSK ADV

On show there were also skimmer pumps PSK ADV

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interzoo 2018: Pompe di schiumazione PSK ADV

Already used by lots of companies to equip their skimmers, Sicce updated two return pumps, PSK ADV 2600 and PSK ADV 4000.

  PSK ADV 2600 PSK ADV 4000
Max consumption with water only 45 watt 65 watt
Max consumption with Venturi ~ 40 watt ~ 55 watt
Air flow 2.600 l/h 4.000 l/h

Highlighted in the booth also a giant skimmer that many people thought built by Sicce. To tell the truth it is built by  CBTech and it is equipped with Sicce foaming pumps.

interzoo 2018: schiumatoio CBTech presso lo stand SicceVery nice underwater details of the pump.

New return pumps Sicce Syncra ADV AC

Sicce wasn’t happy enough for presenting two years ago the DC version of their return pumps, and so they updated the old Syncra with the ADV version.

Interzoo 2018: nuove pompe di risalita Sicce Syncra ADV 5.5

They presented three versions: Syncra ADV 5.5, 7.0 and 9.0

  Syncra ADV 5.5 Syncra ADV 7.0 Syncra ADV 9.0
Flow 5.500 l/h 7.000 l/h 9.000 l/h
Heading 3,5 m 3,5 m 4,5 m
Consumption 40 w 55 w 90 w

Interzoo 2018: nuove pompe di risalita Sicce Syncra ADV 5.5

Basically Sicce updated all its flagship products, I mean all the pumps that represent the core-business of aquarium trade.

New foaming pumps, new wave pumps, new return pumps both AC and DC version. And they expanded their own line of some products.

Interzoo 2018: nuove pompe Sicce in mostra

And the booth, after saying it before in our opening, was great.

Interzoo 2018: nuove pompe Sicce in mostra

Interzoo 2018: filtri esterni Sicce

Many thanks to Gloria and Silvio, you can see them in the picture below, who have entertained and explained us all the products we presented to you before.


Here are some beautiful pictures from the booth


To deepen the knowledge about the new products by Sicce we give you the link to their official website. We invite you to read our Editorial about the show, if you want to know our opinion about this edition of Interzoo 2018 and to consult all the links to all the articles dedicated to the booths visited so far:


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