Home REPORTAGES ReefLED ReefWave ReefDose and ReefClean from Red Sea

ReefLED ReefWave ReefDose and ReefClean from Red Sea


The new Red Sea ReefWave pump

Another new arrival for this Interzoo 2018 was the ReefWave pump. Starting with a Maxspect pump frame, a new interface was developed and the performance was improved in terms of coral maintenance. In the pictures on page one you can see the pump pretty much in all of the aquariums.

Interzoo 2018: la nuova pompa Red Sea ReefWaveThe ReefWaves are two, a 22 cm length one and a 31 cm one.

  Flow rate Consumption Aquarium Glass thickness Dimensions
ReefWave 20 7.000 l/h 4-25 watt 60-120 cm 15 mm 22x7x4(h) cm
ReefWave 40 15.000 l/h 8-45 watt 60-200 cm 20 mm 31x8x5(h) cm

Interzoo 2018: il controller della nuova pompa Red Sea ReefWaveAbove you can see the Red Sea controller for the ReefWave 20 and ReefWave 40pumps.

The new ReefLED lamps

Interzoo 2018: la nuova lampada a LED Red Sea ReefLEDThe new ReefLED can be seen in the picture of the set up aquariums in the previous page. We’re talking about lamps developed by Red Sea with a 90 watt power. The PAR development is around 450/500.

There are two pipelines, Reef-Spec Blue and 8000°K White. The first is made up by an ensemble of ultraviolet, violet and blue LEDs that RedSea says to be perfect for coral development. The white pipeline was inserted mostly to please our eyes. At a 100 % power you get a gradation of 15.000°K, while with settings recommended by Red Sea you can get to 20.000°K.  Also, you should consider that the blue pipeline is powered by 80 watt while the white one by 10 watt.

Interzoo 2018: la nuova lampada a LED Red Sea ReefLED

To verify the ceiling light you can use the App that allows to control basically every aspect of the lamp. You should note that the lamp also has a practical lunar illumination function.

The animals

Interzoo 2018: acropora sp. nello stand Red Sea

We couldn’t neglect the animals we have seen at the booth.


For more information about Red Sea products you should check out their official website, and we invite you to read our Editorial about the exhibition to learn about our point of view on Interzoo and to get the list of all of the booths we have visited and commented to date:

Interzoo 2018: il bellissimo stand Red Sea


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