Home TECH SECTION Hydor Seltz D6000 – Review of the pump of a great...

Hydor Seltz D6000 – Review of the pump of a great quality/price relationship

Hydor Seltz D6000 -  Recensione della pompa dal rapporto qualità prezzo stellare

We tried for a long time the Hydor Seltz D 6000 pump in order to find out that its work is flawless and it has a great quality/price relationship.

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The Hydor Seltz D6000 is one of the few pumps that are still at alternate current, like the Rossmont Riser 3200 that we tried the last year (review), and the Rossmont Riser RX5000 that we are actually testing. The main features are that they don’t have a dedicated app and the very low price.

We, as always, have measured hydraulic head, flow rate and consumption. We obtained 6 couples of values in correspondance with every possible level.

For the hydraulic head we used the usual static method. For the flow rate we used the flow meter DigiFlow 6710M and for the consumption we used the RCE PM600.

Declared technical characteristics of the Hydor Seltz D6000

 European Version
230 V – 50 Hz
Flow rate: 6.000 l/h
Consumption: 60 watt
Hydraulic head: 4,2 meters
Length: 19,5 cm
Depht: 8,9 cm
Height: 11,9 cm (the body only)
Price: 125,00 euro
Value of reference:12.600 l*m/s
Hydor Seltz D6000 -  Recensione della pompa dal rapporto qualità prezzo stellare

The Hydor Seltz D6000 presents an electric efficiency of 100 liters of flow rate for each watt and an economic efficiency of 48 liters per second per euro and at the end a reference value of 12.600 l*m/s.

The relationship quality/price of this pump is extremely high. The cost is, in fact, very low, given that with 125 euro we can buy a pump adjustable on six levels, with very important values of flow rate and hydraulic head. But this is what has been declared, now let’s see what we have measured and how it fits our chart with the values we’ve revealed until today for all the other pumps (on page 3). Until yeasterday this is the pump I used in my aquarium.

The construction

The pump is very simple. The body is tapered and roundish, and a very big grid in the anterior part. The livery is bicolor, black and amaranth.

Hydor Seltz D6000 -  Recensione della pompa dal rapporto qualità prezzo stellare

The pump hinges on the inferior saddle, where there are the some rubber tips that fade out noises and vibrations. The input and the output of the water can be of 21, 26 and 32 mm depending on the hoses you keep or cut.

Hydor Seltz D6000 -  Recensione della pompa dal rapporto qualità prezzo stellare

We immediately disassembled the pump to see its impeller.

Hydor Seltz D6000 -  Recensione della pompa dal rapporto qualità prezzo stellare

We took out the shell over it, and then we were in front of this impeller with 6 curve and protected blades.

Hydor Seltz D6000 -  Recensione della pompa dal rapporto qualità prezzo stellare

The impeller itself isn’t so small, but the magnetic body is quite short. It also has a o-ring in the internal part.

How to use the Hydor Seltz D6000

The main feature of this pump is that it’s AC. But you can set hydraulic head and flow rate through a controller and 6 available couples of values that correspond to the engine speed. Moreover, there’s a button that stops the pump for 5 minutes.

Hydor Seltz D6000 -  Recensione della pompa dal rapporto qualità prezzo stellare - controller

On page two you can fins our measurements


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