Home FRIENDS TANKS The Acropora wonderful aquarium with T5 from Giuliano Carafa

The Acropora wonderful aquarium with T5 from Giuliano Carafa

Lo splendido acquario marino di Acropore di Giuliano Carafa con T5

Giuliano has a lot of fish in his aquarium, with some beautiful rare ones like the Wetmorella. We couldn’t take a picture of all of them because they were well hidden… Some are surely better in real life, like the couple of Paracanthurus hepatus or the Zebrasoma xanthurum. Click on the first one and enjoy it in full screen, even because lately we improved the resolution of the picture… Now they’re really spectacular!

The pictures of the sump and the technical part

As we promised here’s the technical equipment that we introduced in the previous page. The order is magic, especially if I think at the chaos I have at home…

Lo splendido acquario marino di Acropore di Giuliano Carafa con T5

It’s all spectacular, but as usual we left the best on page three: continue to see all the photos of the corals!.


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