Home REPORTAGES Editorial: Nuremberg Interzoo 2022 – our in depth review

Editorial: Nuremberg Interzoo 2022 – our in depth review


The Nuremberg Interzoo 2022 has ended some weeks ago, and after showing you our video last week, we’re here, finally, to tall you everything about it, starting with our usual in-depth editorial about the most important aquaristic event of every two years.

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This article is also available in: italiano

This has been a very particular year, because the last edition of 2020 has skipped due to the CoronaVirus, and it has been partially recovered with an online event. Needless to say, we were very curious to attend the exhibition this year.

It was great, even more than our expectations. But let’s proceed with order.

We, as usual, covered the whole Interzoo 2022 and we came back home with more than 1800 pictures and 130 video. We already edited the video, but the photos will take a bit more.

And like after our previous editorials, in the next weeks will follow other articles about the news of the exhibition, booth by booth. And we can assure you than every booth had something interesting to tell, so we suggest you to stay tuned so you won’t miss the surprises you can find, both from well-known and unknown companies. If you bookmark this page you can return to visit it and consult the articles that we’re going to add at the end of the page.

This is my eighth Interzoo and I’m positive it’s the most important exhibition about pets’ world. A lot of things changed since the first one, but one has remained the same: the ones who matter come to the Interzoo! And who misses… looses!

Let’s start with our video of the Interzoo 2022

Do you want to see the booths we visited? So watch this video for a tour inside the Interzoo and a brief comment. The video is in italian, but you can turn the English subs on.

Let’s begin with the numbers!

The fair organization said that this Interzoo edition had 28.000 visitors, with a decrease of 28% compared to the 39.000 of the previous one. The aquaristic companies were about 170, -54% compared to the previous 369, and 1365 in total, -33% compared to the 2019 of four years ago. It’s obvious that the pandemic left a mark. 33% fewer exhibitors, and the 54% in aquaristic. But this didn’t prevent the exhibition to be interesting and appealing, with serious news. The exhibitors confermed they were really satisfied. Even if there were less people the visitors were more interested and willing to do business. Everywhere you could breath the desire to meet again. Very, very beautiful.

Before we go on, if you want here below you can find the editorials of the past editions of the Interzoo:

My fellow travelers were great, we were able to cover almost all the booths we wanted. Since there were less exhibitors, we were able to chat a bit with almost everyone. But it’s been hard to visit everything in only 3 days. We know that you’ll appreciate our effort and reportage!

DaniReef Staff Interzoo 2022: da sinistra Simone Baglioni Hioct999, Danilo DaniReef, Andrea Carmagnola, Giorgio Lumaz
DaniReef Staff Interzoo 2022: from the left, Simone Baglioni Hioct999, Danilo DaniReef, Andrea Carmagnola, Giorgio Lumaz

As you know, the Interzoo isn’t an exhibition like the others. You just don’t go only to attend. The companies like to flex their muscles and to show the news that will be on trend for the next two years… until the next Interzoo.

This year, apart from the pandemic, continued the trend of the American companies that don’t come to Interzoo. Only Two Little Fishies and Cermedia. We think American companies chose American exhibitions to show their products, like ReefApalooza and Macna. And we of DaniReef this year will be at Macna, so we hope to have some news to report… but we will see in September.

This exhibition laid down, once again, that it exists only leds for aquariums. We didn’t see any Hqi, not even a T5 tub, just LED, LED and LED, even to light the forniture for aquariums. Another news is that nobody had a printed catalog anymore, but you can download the informations of the products through QRCode.

Piadina with prosciutto offered by Teco’s booth

Compared to the previous edition there were less aquariums, both marine and freshwater. Were already missing from the last edition Korallen Zucht and WhiteCorals, but especially the beautiful tank of Dejong MarineLife. Every year we expected it, but this time there wasn’t. But we saw very beautiful ones, as you will see. Reef Factory, AquaForest had very amazing marine aquariums with beautiful corals. All these booths have a dedicated article, but you can check the video if you want a peak.

A particular mangrove swamp at Abyzz's
A particular mangrove swamp at Abyzz’s

There were more fresh water aquariums, mostly by Aquascaping, because of the ease to set up.

Interzoo 2022: aquascape at Tropica's
Interzoo 2022: aquascape at Tropica’s

Few fish. Few Discus, except for a remarkable aquarium at OASE, and some beautiful angelfish. A couple of Koi carps, always at OASE. The trend is of a b2b fair, that is designed for sellers and companies that don’t need to see a set up tank to decide the value of a tank or an accessory.

Pterophyllum scalare at AMTRA's
Pterophyllum scalare at AMTRA’s

As we said, the partecipation of the visitors has decreased, due to the trend chosen by the fair organization four years ago: just a business exhibition with no opportunity to partecipate if you aren’t credited. Nothing that you can’t bypass, but in any case they kept away families and simple curious.

Here below there are some of the products that we’ll analyze in depth in the next days.

We met a lot of friends, producers, characters. We didn’t get to take a picture of all of them, some are here in the gallery and others there will be in the next articles.

Let’s see in the next page the thoughts of the precious DaniReef‘s team, that are Andrea Carmagnola and Simone Baglioni.


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