Elos has just explained several new technical features of the E-vision, that we are all waiting to try after seeing it in Singapore.

The first modules available will be ElosTempo, ElosDimmer and ElosPower and that will be followed shortly by ElosClima.
The first three modules are in fact already available in late June to early July, we see the main features in the presentation made by Elos:
The Elos E-Vision is a broad new aquarium controller line that has a simple foundation but which can be built up into a very sophisticated aquarium & home controller.
Built on a framework of standard home automation bus, the heart of the E-Vision system are the individual controllers which include the Tempo, Clima, Orp, pH, Conductivity etc.
Here you can watch the video already published when Nicola, the owner of Elos, is able to change the brightness of the LEDs on each channel in its LiteXPColor in Verona, from Singapore, noted the response speed of the system when he acts on the slide.
The Elos Evision ControlCenter is the most attractive piece of the System. It is a touchscreen to remotely control your units (Timer, Temperature, pH etc. etc.). Its sensitive, high quality resistive touchscreen has a high pixel density and very high contrast and brightness.
Its unibody case is not just a plastic box but it is made by solid piece of acrilyc, CNC machined and then polished to excellent effect. It can be easily be stick on the door of your aquarium or, thanks to the magnet inside, it can be sticked to any metal surface.
Although the ElosTempo have simple onboard programming capability, the remote ControlCenter allows for more sophisticated programming of each Evision module through an easily navigable graphical user interface.
Sold at an introductory price of 320 Euro to final customer, we are actually planning a soft launch beginning for the coming summer and more widespread availability in September.
Easy Timer for easy life.
Easy: this was the keyword when we have though about a new controller to take the place of the BIOTOPUS II

Easy: this was the main target. We all know how lazy we are when it is the time to read a manual. We would like things to work once connected, without the need to do nothing.
This is what have inspired us on the production of our new line of Controllers.
But we also wanted them to be “connectable”. What does it means?
Basic: they have to work in a “stand alone” configuration, but they can also be connected one to each other in an easy way. And once “part of a network” they will share informations to improve their performances like, for example: once on the network you connect the Tempo and the Clima controllers, an over- temperature detected by the temperature controller (Clima), will shut off the lights connected to the timer (Tempo).
But this is not all: we wanted it to be easily programmable, so we have created a “sensual” touch screen to easily acces to “hidden” functionalities like dosing timer, separate light timers etc. etc..
The WEB server is on board: but we wanted also to have it controllable by computer, with a “cloud type” interface so we have included the possibility to add a Web Server interface with a GPRS modem and a TCP/IP port to make it accessible by any browser, from any computer.
Robust: we wanted it to be based on an “industrial” standard”. We have housed each module inside a DIN- TYPE box that allow their installation inside industrial rack permitting their integration to the household electrical system.
And much much more to come…
In the meantime you can dowload the manual directly from here: ElosTempo Manual
Actually available:
ElosTempo: DIN-Style Timer
Dimmer 3 pins: to control the Elos AquaTop
Dimmer 5 pins: to control the Elos E-liteXP and Elos E-liteXP Color
PowerBox: to control Metal Halide Lamp
You can download this presentation by clicking here: ElosNews
Returning then to us … that mean? For many things I notice a certain similarity, certainly desired, between the Apple world and the Elos world, exclusive products, words such as unibody and more, it seems to me to go in the same direction … Evision will be a success? We shall see, hoping soon to have a trial … certainly it promises well for now, we just hope not to have to wait too long that all modules will be available.