Home REEF AQUARIUM World premiere: The Teco E-Chill is here. How setting in this incredible...

World premiere: The Teco E-Chill is here. How setting in this incredible video by DaniReef


Thanks to the kindness of Teco, I have in my home right now the first E-Chill intended for consumers, who have followed me live on Facebook was able to comment live preview of my first photos put online, but now we are here with a great video explaining the installation of E-Chill well as its setting. As usual, it’s worth seeing the video in high resolution.

You can watch live how versatile is and how simple is to put it on your tank.

Over the next few days then I intend to do all the necessary measurements, especially consumption, since they are declared only 14 watts for 150 mc/h, and noise, and to put it in direct comparison with tangential fan, and maybe with the normal cooling fans that are usually used in the aquarium, and of course all my usual comments… continue to follow us…



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