Home REEF AQUARIUM The new pumps Tunze NanoStream 6095 are on DaniReef.com

The new pumps Tunze NanoStream 6095 are on DaniReef.com

 The contents of the package
The contents of the package

Here at DaniReef.com we have another juicy preview, after the Teco E-Chill we have the brand new Tunze 6095 nanostream recently presented at Zoomark in Bologna, where we had the pleasure of seeing them in action.

Amtra sconto 20%

Today, thanks to the kindness of Tunze we have a copy of the Tunze 6095, ready to be thoroughly tested. We see pictures, its technical features and some visual comparison with its cousin, the 6105.

Il piccolo trasformatore a corredo
The small transformer supplied

The pump is extremely interesting because it is really compact, much more than pictures leave to our imagination, because the dimensions are similar to those of nanostreams, but the flow is certainly like normal stream, as many as 10,000 liters / hour at the peak of its power .

the attack of the magnetic pump, highlight the "silent blocks" blue
the attack of the magnetic pump, highlight the “silent blocks” blue

In this way, they go in a hole left vacant by the Tunze until now, because are much more powerful than the small nanostream 6055 of 5,500 liters / hour and not too much lower than the stream 6105 of 13,000 liters / hour, and everything is associated with truly “green” consumption, only 21 watts.

La pompa vista dall'alto con il particolare della girante ad elica e dove si nota la strozzatura quasi inesistente fra il corpo pompa e la bocca d'uscita.
The view from above of  the pump impeller, and where the bottleneck is almost non-existent between the pump and the water outlet

To have a comparison the nanostream 6055 consumes 18 watts for 5,500 liters / hour, that is moving 305 watts per liter, while the new 6095 with its 21 watts per 10,000 liters / hour rises to an impressive 476 liters for every single watt. A record usually left to pump much more muscular.

In questa foto si può ammirare la sinuosità delle linee della piccola pompa
In this photo you can admire the sinuous lines of the small pump

By comparison just think that the biggest 6105 moves 13,000 liters per hour with a consumption equal to 22 watts, or 591 liters per watt, but with far greater size and weight.

La pompa smontata
The pump disassembled

This excellent result is certainly a function of the impeller and of the other big change by Tunze, the extended outlet surface of the water, this allows much sweeter and enlarged flow and therefore we’ll not have problem with sand that occurs with more powerful pumps and more directional flow, and oviously also our corals will stay better…

Ancora la pompa smontata con in evidenza sulla sinistra la girante
The pump disassembled with the impeller on the left

As always, these data should be verified, but to start is just a great start, always considering the usual Tunze legendary reliability.

Here she is at last in the tank

Of course pumps are compatible with any controller or multicontroller Tunze, in fact, in my tank is running connected to multicontroller 7096 without problem.

Eccola finalmente in vasca
Here instead we see her sister, the 6105

And certainly if we see them together there is a difference, even if picture, given the distance, does not do enough justice to the differences between the two.

And finally I can show you an animation of the difference between the two pumps when they were in the same place. As you can see the difference is remarkable. What do you think?

Soon will come out my usual review, but for now I have to say that they impressed me for how gently move the water while being so small, even if she looses power at the end of my aquarium 130x60x50h, but surely this is due to much sweeter flow by comparison with 6105 which has more concentrated flow, at least with the supplied caps …

Let’s recap the technical specifications:

Turbelle® nanostream® 6095 (6095.000)

Aquarium from 100 to 1000 l
Flow: da 2.000 a 10.000 l/h
Energy consumption: 5 – 21 W
Transformer: 100-240V/50-60Hz
Cord lenght: 5 m
Dimensions: ø70, outlet: ø50/10 mm
Price: 220,60 euro

Available from september 2011

Thanks again to Tunze for the availability of this 6095


  1. […] And its the same size! Tunze say, it will be available for us to buy by end of August hopefully. Hope this helps. […]


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