Home REEF AQUARIUM Preview: the new Skimmer Elos PS2000 with needle wheel

Preview: the new Skimmer Elos PS2000 with needle wheel


The Elos has recently removed from its catalog the famous NS Series skimmers, which worked with top-down injection with a more classic skimmers with needle wheel.

One of the new monsters presented is the new PS2000 who has taken the place of the old NS2000, now we have one to test on DaniReef.com.

The skimmer is built absolutely flawless, is a feast for the eyes to see how it was forged and how the acrylic bonding have been done. Only the adjustable outlet is made of PVC as well as the pump body.

Amtra sconto 20%

The great change for Elos is the adoption of the needle wheel impeller thus allows the adoption of a more “humane” pump than the Eheim 1260 with which it was originally thought his predecessor, the NS2000.

This also leads to a smaller footprint in the sump, as the skimmer continues to adopt single-pump scheme, which I appreciate very much, which uses only a single pump for skimming and internal recirculation.

The pump is a PSK 1000, which has a max flow rate of 3,200 l/h, consumtion of 57 watts and maximum head of 2.6 meters with normal impeller, while according with Elos data, with the new needle wheel impeller consumes no more than 22 watts, value we’ll measure soon.

The skimmer measuring 55.5 cm high and 15 cm in diameter, but which have a footprint of 20×17 cm.

The Elos recommend it for tanks between 1.000 and 2.000 liters… but soon this skimmer will be under my tank, measuring only 400 liters but full stocked with only hard corals, in a few months we will make it a very deep review.

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  1. […] ElosからPS2000ニードルウィール式プロテインスキマー発表されたようです。このモデルは、現行のNS2000の後継製品になるとのこと。DaniReef.comのレビューによりますと、PS2000は、Sicce PSK1000のポンプを使用しているようです。 […]


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