Home REPORTAGES Interzoo 2014: the incredible booth of De Jong MarineLife with fish and...

Interzoo 2014: the incredible booth of De Jong MarineLife with fish and corals


Interzoo 2014 - stand de jong marinelife - acquario di esposizione

The booth of De Jong MarineLife was incredible wonderful, like every Interzoo, thanks to fish and corals of first level.

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First of all we look at the big aquarium in the main entrance, where there was wonderful corals and some rare fish.

In fact De Jong MarineLife is one of the better fish and corals suppliers here in Europe, and has his base in the Netherlands, at Spijk, and every two years, during Interzoo, it doesn’t loose occasion to remember us..

The booth was soon at the right of the main entrance of the exhibit, in the first hall, the 7A, going to right. And every time we had to pass there we have found many people astonished to look at that beautiful aquarium.

But, let we see better because all the people came here.

Here we have the big booth, open space, with a big fresh water aquarium and after it a big (and wonderful) marine aquarium.

Interzoo 2014 - stand de jong marinelife

We was there… obviously, to see the incredible marine aquarium.

Interzoo 2014 - stand de jong marinelife - acquario di esposizione

This was only the side of that incredible aquarium.

Interzoo 2014 - stand de jong marinelife - acquario di esposizione - acropora


Interzoo 2014 - stand de jong marinelife - acquario di esposizione - gorgonia


Interzoo 2014 - stand de jong marinelife - acquario di esposizione - gorgonia

Interzoo 2014 - stand de jong marinelife - acquario di esposizione - fungia


Interzoo 2014 - stand de jong marinelife - acquario di esposizione

Long polyped stony corals (LPS) with incredible colours.

Interzoo 2014 - stand de jong marinelife - acquario di esposizione

Some aquascapes with Acropora… simply breathtaking

And without forgetting the incredible fish

Interzoo 2014 - stand de jong marinelife - acquario di esposizione - zebrasoma gemmatum

Zebrasoma gemmatum

Interzoo 2014 - stand de jong marinelife - acquario di esposizione - centropyge


Interzoo 2014 - stand de jong marinelife - acquario di esposizione - holacanthus clarionensis

Holacanthus clarionensis

Interzoo 2014 - stand de jong marinelife - acquario di esposizione

And so on… for every incredible fish that was absolutely gorgeous… also if it was so clear to see that some fish had some problem with corals…

Interzoo 2014 - stand de jong marinelife - acquario di esposizione - centropyge ed lps

But… they are so beautiful nevertheless!

Interzoo 2014 - stand de jong marinelife - acquario di esposizione - centropyge

I let you see all the pictures I took in the great marine aquarium

But another coral I have to show you here… it’s not so… I’ve finished the words… so gorgeous?

Interzoo 2014 - stand de jong marinelife - acquario di esposizione - lps

But the De Jong MarineLife booth had many other things to show… first of all the great freshwater aquarium dedicated to Discus.

Interzoo 2014 - stand de jong marinelife - acquario di esposizione - discus

That was incredible too

Interzoo 2014 - stand de jong marinelife - acquario di esposizione - discus

If I would not have the marine aquarium, probably I would like to have a Discus aquarium, I think they’re so beautiful

Interzoo 2014 - stand de jong marinelife - acquario di esposizione - discus

One more beautiful than the other

Interzoo 2014 - stand de jong marinelife - acquario di esposizione - discus

I think that, if you’re reading this blog, you’re more interested on marine than freshwater, so turn after the marine aquarium… and we find a tank filled with Tridacna and Fungia with incredible colours.

Interzoo 2014 - stand de jong marinelife - acquario di esposizione - tridacne

Side views

Interzoo 2014 - stand de jong marinelife - acquario di esposizione - tridacne

Main view

Interzoo 2014 - stand de jong marinelife - acquario di esposizione - mantelli di tridacna


Interzoo 2014 - stand de jong marinelife - acquario di esposizione - mantelli di tridacna

Interzoo 2014 - stand de jong marinelife - acquario di esposizione - mantelli di tridacna

Interzoo 2014 - stand de jong marinelife - acquario di esposizione - mantelli di tridacna

Interzoo 2014 - stand de jong marinelife - acquario di esposizione - mantelli di tridacna

Interzoo 2014 - stand de jong marinelife - acquario di esposizione - mantelli di tridacna

And LPS corals like Fungia… and… wow… We love those Fungia!

Interzoo 2014 - stand de jong marinelife - fungia

Could you not kill someone for such a corals?

Interzoo 2014 - stand de jong marinelife - fungia

Interzoo 2014 - stand de jong marinelife - fungia

Interzoo 2014 - stand de jong marinelife - fungia

Interzoo 2014 - stand de jong marinelife - fungia

Interzoo 2014 - stand de jong marinelife - fungia

Interzoo 2014 - stand de jong marinelife - fungia

But we are not at the ending… the most beautiful part has to come…

As we had written on our editorial there was incredible fish kept in small tanks, I think for the price of the fish and for the rarities.

It was a pity we could not take a pictures of the two most important fish, the Apolemichthys kingi and the Paracentropyge boylei, this one is sold at (only) 19.000 USD. The high price is due to the difficulties to take the fish in the wild, because it lives in depth between 50 and 80 meters, and it’s not so easy to go to that depth and succeed to take it.

But we had fun with a wonderful Holacanthus clarionensis, brother of the one just seen in the big display aquarium.

Interzoo 2014 - stand de jong marinelife - holacanthus clarionensis

What do you think about??? It’s not gorgeous?

Interzoo 2014 - stand de jong marinelife - holacanthus clarionensis

And we had fun also with a wonderful Chaetodontoplus conspicillatus

Interzoo 2014 - stand de jong marinelife - chaetodontoplus conspicillatus

Interzoo 2014 - stand de jong marinelife - chaetodontoplus conspicillatus

And last but not least another incredible fish, the Centropyge interruptus, that we have had the luck to see in the same booth during other Interzoos.

Interzoo 2014 - stand de jong marinelife - centropyge interruptus

Here the pictures I took

I hope that with these pictures I was able to let you some ideas of these incredible fish… of this absolute beauty.

And don’t forget also the “Giant Crabs”… because they was there too… “just another thing”…

Interzoo 2014 - stand de jong marinelife - giant crabs o granchi giganti

And not so close to us, there was also some live rocks… artificial… but so similar to the true ones.

Interzoo 2014 - stand de jong marinelife - rocce vive sintetiche

I think they are indistinguishable from the true ones.

Interzoo 2014 - stand de jong marinelife - rocce vive sintetiche

To learn more, please consult the De Jong MarineLife website and our Editorial about the show:

De Jong MarineLife

Interzoo at Nuremberg 2014 – editorial



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