Home REEF AQUARIUM OceanLed presents in Italy the new led fixtures Ocean SunRise 600 and...

OceanLed presents in Italy the new led fixtures Ocean SunRise 600 and Ocean SunRise 900


ocean sunrise 900 oceanled

The italian company OceanLed has presented few days ago two new Led fixtures in the italian market, the Ocean Sunrise 600 and the Ocean Sunrise 900.

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The two fixtures are intended for reef aquariums, and they are 60 and 90 cm long respectively, as the name let us guess.

They are extremely well built, as images show us, and they are formed by a chassis made in anti corrosion alluminum alloy, that brings strenght and lightness.

In these fixtures we find Leds from Cree, from the XTE and XPE Leds series, 5 watt and 3 watt, by used in multi spectral configuration, the same Leds used in the Ecotech Marine Radion G2 and G2 Pro, and with the same XTE Leds used also on the last Radion G3. A very good choice.


The Leds are used in cluster composed by 3 leds, and every led adopts a T.I.R. lens of 120° with the possibility to mount 90° optics, but OceanLed advise to use only for aquariums of more than 60 cm deep.

This choice is towards a great diffusion of light, also if we start from a cluster configuration, just a middle choice between the GNC 466 and the Radion, the first with max diffusion of light, and the second with the max grouping of leds, without speaking about the Cannon Led.


The configuration is absolutely modular, so it’s possible to change one or more clusters also after the buying to achieve the “perfect” configuration for every one of us.

All the fixtures can be manually controlled thanks to a display, but they have an app, for iOS and Android world, that can setting every parameter, because there is a wi-fi module inside the fixture.

Let we see in the next page the two models in details.


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