Home REEF AQUARIUM The new Sicce XStreamE – variable flow pumps until 2250 gph –...

The new Sicce XStreamE – variable flow pumps until 2250 gph – preview


Pompe di movimento Sicce XStreamE - corpo pompa

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Sicce recently unveiled a new series of variable flow pumps, the Sicce XStreamE, and today we can test one for you, on Danireef.

Sicce movement pump’s market is widening, and after having reviewed very positively the Sicce Voyager Nano 1000 and 2000 (here in italian, soon in english), fixed flow rate pumps, we are finally here to test the new variable flow pump.

We saw it during Nuremberg Interzoo but now, in our hands, it’s something completely different.

Sicce XStreamE is really compact, far more than the images let imagine, although it’s larger than  the two tiny Voyager already mentioned. However, the declared flow is huge because we’re talking about a flow that varies from a minimum of 3,000 to a maximum of 8,500 l/h.

These pumps are suitable from a Nanoreef up to a 300 liters tank, where they can express their potential, but we’ll immediately test them in a 3-400 liters tank to understand if it’s possible to manage a medium tank with a couple of Sicce XStreamE. They should also be excellent pumps for freshwater tanks, where we can need high movement.

Sicce XStreamE Technical specs


230 V – 50 Hz
US Versions
120 V – 60 Hz
Flow: from 3.000 to 8.500 l/h from 800 to 2250 US gph
Power Consumption: 6-16,5 watt 6-16,5 watt
Cable lenght: 2 metri 78,7 ft
Width 5,0 cm 1,9 inch
Lenght 9,4 cm 3,7 inch
Height 3,8 cm 1,5 inch

With its 6 watts per 3,000 liters/hour and 16.5 watts per 8,500 l/h, the new Sicce XStreamE has an efficiency between 500 and 515 liters/watt. An extremely high value, especially for a variable flow pump.

As a comparison, the slightly more powerful Tunze Turbelle Nanostream 6095 (italian review), another electronic variable flow pump and a direct competitor, moves 9,500 liters per hour with a consumption of 21 watts, that means 452 liters per watt. So, in theory, the new XStreamE is more than 10% efficient.

Pompe di movimento Sicce XStreamE - unboxing

The packaging is really well built and communicates quality. Just opened,  you notice the body pump, the controller, the beautiful multi-language instruction manual and the quality control servicing.

Pompe di movimento Sicce XStreamE - girante

Here above, we can see the impeller and the locking system to the body pump.

Pompe di movimento Sicce XStreamE - mini controller

Here above we can see the controller. The two arrows act as potentiometers, with them you can increase or decrease the flow of the pump. The pump, thanks to the electronic control, can operate in five modes. A “fixed mode”, where you can choose your favourite flow rate, a “short pulse” mode that allows the pump to pulse every 5 seconds, a “medium mode”, with a cycle of 20 seconds, a “long mode” with a cycle of 30 seconds and, finally,  a  “random mode” with random cycles. In our review, after testing them, we could be more accurate.

Pompe di movimento Sicce XStreamE - frontale

The magnet supplied is suitable for glasses up to 20 mm, that means any home application. Sicce worked hard to make their pumps extremely quiet, starting from design to an unusual magnet, and finally with an anti-vibration cover on the power cable.

And now, we have just to put them in the water and try them.

The pump is already on sale, at the price of € 183,50 (taxes included) in Italy. Certainly expensive but it promises very high performances.

In a short time, after an intense test period, you will find our complete review, as usual.

[Translated by Emanuele Tosi]



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