Home FRIENDS TANKS Massimiliano Ghelfi’s Great Aquarium

Massimiliano Ghelfi’s Great Aquarium



Massimiliano tells us that unfortunately two of his oldest fishes died this year, a 15 years old Paracanthurus hepatus and a 10 years old Naso lituratus… but there are still many others.

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A splendid Acanthurus leucosternon constantly suffering from ich still appears plump enough and quite healthy.

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A beautiful Ctenochaetus strigosus.

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A splendid Zebrasoma xanthurum

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This Siganus lovolpinus is a bit ugly, maybe because still very young, it also shows few white spots.

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We cannot forget an amazing angel fish, Centropyge loriculus, a fish I always liked but never owned.

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The last fishes we took pictures of are a pair of clownfishes, Premnas biaculeatus, which regularly spawn at the foot of a Entacmaea quadricolor, the only anemone in the tank.

Massimiliano tells us that his fishes are fed with frozen Artemia, Mysis, and krill or with their freeze-dried version by SHG.

We close the fish chapter with these pictures. We’re now ready to move to the corals section.


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