Home REEF AQUARIUM Rossmont waver will revolutionize aquarium world? Find more

Rossmont waver will revolutionize aquarium world? Find more


Controller Rossmont Waver

We have heard right in these hours about some other really interesting details regarding the brand-new Rossmont Waver (qui l’articolo in italiano).

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Just some weeks ago we pointed out to Rossmont Waver as the revolution of the world of pumps, having as its main feature the ability of managing the capacity of non-electronic Rossmont pumps just thanks to the Waver, without having to buy special pumps; but we got to know that this new product can do much more and Rossmont hopes that it could become the new core of the tank, as it has been designed to manage many others devices that will be connected to it.

Rossmont defines this new product as an All In One (AIO),  right to let us understand how this single device can be considered either as a driver for the pumps, an user’s interface or also as a switch even remotely.

This was all possible thanks to a logic board that integrates in itself also a wifi board and a Radio board in the Rossmont Waver Master device, in order to connect an endless series of other Rossmont Waver Slave units (remember that each Waver module can connect just two pumps directly) and of course wireless and through radio frequency.

rossmont waver

The module Waver Master will be controllable directly from any smartphone, computer and/or tablet through a browser interface, in order to avoid the installation of any software and especially with the possibility to manage at any time the system whatever our input device is. Concerning the pumps control it will be possible to operate through an easy graphic interface that will show different presets configurable to recreate different simulations of sea currents.

Still, the best is yet to come, because Rossmont anticipates that through the Waver it will be possible to control also the new range of incoming products, the new return pumps  for example and also the pumps for skimmers. To all this we can add, from some interesting Rossmont informations, the use of measuring products (pH,? Redox,? density?), lamps, multi-sockets, but we stop here, not to make you too excited.

We actually know something more, something great, so we just wait to see the product to confirm all its features. Follow us and you will be satisfied with more information and photos as we will have.


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