Home REEF AQUARIUM The incredible tank with hidden DSB

The incredible tank with hidden DSB


Acquario marino Crystal Reef con DSB a scomparsa

Today we are glad to show you a very interesting marine aquarium, a cabinet-tank system, that is very well made, but the most important feature is the hidden DSB beneath it (qui l’articolo in italiano).

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This system has been thought by the Italian builder Crystal Reef, and we have seen it during the annual PetsFestival fair, held in Piacenza Expo.

When we watch this aquarium we can’t see anything different from thousand of tanks we have seen before. But beneath the (supposed to) bottom glass we have 12-14 cm of Deep Sand Bed, but we can’t see it from above, only a few centimeters of sand on the cantilever peripheral glass, because sand is hidden in the center of the tank, for approximately 90% of the area.

In this version the aquarium is glued with white silicon to underline the particular construction.

As you can see from the pictures in the rear part of tank we have two glass, one of them is the peripheral glass of the tank, the other is a big overflow, and that small hole in the rear center is where the water comes from sump to tank. All is transparent and amazing to see.

But we have not finished here, because the cabinet itself is extremely interesting too.

Acquario marino Crystal Reef con DSB a scomparsa

This particular structure is a cantilever one on three side of the tank.

The cabinet is very intriguing too, because it’s very well made, built entirely on wood, and it accommodates sump with in and out piping, a space for the RO water, and an electrical space where putting all the power adapters, power cord and so on, and many switches ready to push.

The doors have a retractable mechanism so they can be hidden inside the cabinet too. Yes, this implementation takes out some space from inside the cabinet, but we gain easy access to sump and a great aesthetic improvement.

Acquario marino Crystal Reef con DSB a scomparsa - particolare del mobile

The back itself is ready to plumbing, with power cords and hydraulic pipes, so all is hidden, for a great clean cabinet.

Acquario marino Crystal Reef con DSB a scomparsa

In the end, the cabinet alone is true wonderful, we don’t know the price yet, but we can take some ideas to develop in our cabinet, if we can’t buy this one. Anyway we think the same furniture is sold for bare bottom tank, not only for DSB one.

The idea of hidden DSB is a great idea, we like it very very much, also because we have never seen such solution in Italy. We can say, if you have some thought for you DSB, that such implementation hasn’t any type of problem for your deep sand bed, so if you like this cabinet you can buy it without worrying about.

Acquario marino Crystal Reef con DSB a scomparsa

If you want to ask more informations, price, availability and curiosity about this tank, you can ask directly to builder: Crystal Reef



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