Home TECH SECTION Equo Remover PO4 & SiO2 – In depth review

Equo Remover PO4 & SiO2 – In depth review



We can sum everything up by saying that considering the several differences between tanks, if you have a problem with phosphates you will probably benefit from using this product.

Considering that with the same product you can also get rid of silicates I would say that the quality/price relationship is great, even though they work much better in a fluidized bed filter. This is because this resin is not made up of adsorbent materials like carbon, but being based on iron hydroxide they need a constant water flow through them to work at their best. That’s why they don’t do much if they are just left soaking in sump.

Also remember they work without leaving the red cloud typical of iron based resins!

We are also really curious to try those especially thought for reactors or fluidized beds like “Remover Po4 and SiO2 Reaktor” to find out the differences and help you buy the one the suits your tank better.


ico.piu.png Good quality/price relationship
ico.piu.png Complete absence of suspension material after dosage
ico.piu.png No stress signs in animals


ico.meno They work at their best only in a fluidized bed filter (just like most resins)
ico.meno Suggested dosage is slightly underestimated

Equo Remover PO4 & SiO2

Manufacture quality
Quality/Price relationship

2015_10 resine equo po4 sio2 remover 02


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