Home REEF AQUARIUM Aqamai – the new brand for lighting, pumps, and many more

Aqamai – the new brand for lighting, pumps, and many more



Aqamai is a totally new brand that will be unveiled during Nuremberg’s Interzoo. The brand will be focused to the more advanced part of the market.

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The word Aqamai comes from hawaiian word Ah-kah-mai that means smart, clever, advanced. Aqamai will show some new products related to aquarium market, a new advanced equipments that will differentiate for study, performance and care, all the objects will have a common application to rule them all.

The app will be presented for Android and iOS, so will be extremely easy and fast to set and to utilize our new ecosystem, both at home and with mobile.

During fair Aqamai will present a new led lighting and a circulation pump, but the project is far bigger and we hope to know more details during Interzoo at Hall 1, Booth 536.

The ceiling will be marked by a series of clusters, we do not know precisely how many, and it will present a series of LEDs on the different colors, UV, Indigo, Royal Blue, Blue, White, Green, and two Red with different wavelengths. We still have not seen the resulting curve but it comes to a color gradation close to 12,000° K. The power developed should be around 40-50 watts per cluster, so as to compete with the best ceiling lights in the market, and the LEDs will have 180 lumens per watt.

From the image of teaser we can imagine the cluster shape and the extremely small thickness of the project.

Will be great to use the app that will have a very easy and powerful scheme, that will permit to us to set the right colors in the cold and in the hot part of the spectrum, so with every smartphone and tablet from iOS and Android world will be possible to play.

Aqamai Teaser

The second object that Aqamai will present to the public it will be a new circulation pump up to 4,500 l / h of flow rate, a DC pump with variable flow rate, controllable by the application, and probably in the future we will be able to synchronize it with the lamp according to the various settable programs. It will have an extremely quiet and extremely large flow, to better simulate the ocean currents.

In addition to this, Aqamai promises other products that we do not know now they will be revealed during the Interzoo or if we have to wait to see them. What about … we are extremely excited to see these new products, to play with our own hands, because the premises are really interesting!

The brand will be presented in the Hydor group booth, hall 1 booth 536, from which originates as a high-level stand-alone brand. Are you not curious?


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