Home REPORTAGES Interzoo 2016: Equo booth: The Orange Scapers and new products with 4K...

Interzoo 2016: Equo booth: The Orange Scapers and new products with 4K video


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We visited the Equo booth in one of the most important area about aquarium of the Nuremberg Interzoo (italy-flag-28x19 qui potete leggere l’articolo in italiano).

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The company of Prato, Italy, showed during the last year his great dynamic with lots of ideas and products that convinced the audience in a better way. Even us on DaniReef could try and review different Equo products with excellent results.

Equo participated last year in several events, as Napoli Aquatica 2015 (hence our report), the days organized in Pordenone aboout coral coloration (here  and here) and to several aquascaping live events , such as this.

Finally the company created the project The Orange scapers that brought two aquascapers of international renown, such as Roberto Bielli and Enrico Fortuna, to propose a series of six tanks, three each, to reformulate some products and strengthen them, also making a easy guide to drive users step by step, from beginners to those experienced, in creating and leading a Aquascaping using the new Equo products. You can see a discussion on this subject in our article here.

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 Equo Booth VIP , from the left: Giuseppe Nisi, Fabio Lorusso, Alessandro Mascolo, Enrico Fortuna, Roberto Bielli, Natasha Grishcenkova, Mauro Calabrese, Danilo Ronchi

Let’s have a look to the two tanks of the booth

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To the left the experienced users aquarium created by Enrico Fortuna and on the right the aquarium for intermediate users by Roberto Bielli. Gaia Italia provided for both technique and tanks.

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This is what we can create using the new super experts line by Equo, an aquarium that seems to represent the hills, and if it weren’t for the fish, it might seem a dry representation thanks to the water trasparency.

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The second aquarium, dedicated to intermediate users , has been created, as we said, by Roberto Bielli, and we like to see how the carpet technique by Alternathera reineckii sp. to simulate the autumn leaves is just a technical invented by Enrico Fortuna. A combination of the two aquascapers is definitely successful.

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Looking at it closely is awesome. Here, too, the water looks incredibly transparent, as if we were talking about a marine aquarium.

We have also prepared a UHD 4K video to better appreciate these two incredible tanks.

One of the new products presented in the exhibition was Remover NH3 to be used in both fresh water and salt water. NH3 Remover removes and neutralizes toxic Ammonia transforming it into a non-toxic molecule (salt amminometansolfonate), readily biodegradable from biological filtering through nitrification. NH3 Remover also eliminates Chlorine and Chloramines. Within the solution there is also extract of Aloe Vera that, for its richness in Acemannan and Glycosides, it favors strengthening the immune system and the skin’s health and the gills of fish.

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As you can notice from the photo, if you saw in the past Equo products, the serigraphy of  the packaging has been changed with a new  rebranding of the entire collection.

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The bottles are no longer made of aluminum, but now featured by all-white livery, on which stands the orange logo.

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Another product presented and extremely interesting was Nutrobact, a specific nutrient based on carbon for denitrifying bacteria, which then stimulates the complete denitrification which is important both in the aquarium of fresh water in the aquarium of sea water, and we have already had the opportunity to present premiered a few weeks ago (here the article about Nutrobact).

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To best present the new line Equo prepared a new catalog that you can download from this link preview: Catalogo Web Equo Catalog , a very well-made catalog that in addition to presenting products has beautiful photographs, but be warned that the file weighs more than 20 mb.

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To increase knowledge of new products by Equo we address both to the official site and to the new company’s news site, and we invite you to read also our Editorial about the fair to learn about our  point of view about Interzoo and deepen the knowledge of all other visited booths:

Home Page Equo

Home Page Equo News

Editorial Nuremberg Interzoo 2016


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