Home TECH SECTION Skimmer Nyos Quantum 160: In depth review

Skimmer Nyos Quantum 160: In depth review


Measurements and Performance

Air Flow Rate

The manufacturer does not state a water flow rate for this product, we think it should be around the 700l/h but it’s difficult to measure because of the outflow low level. The air flow rate, however, is stated at 1500 l/h.

Amtra sconto 20%

To measure the air flow rate we used our usual Sander flowmeter which allows us to measure between 100 l/h and 1000 l/h, adjusting with a +10% to make up for the loss due to the flowmeter itself.

Valore aspirazione aria schiumatoio nos quantum 160

We measured an air flow of around 704 l/h (640 measure + 10%), with the air completely open and the flowmeter placed directly on the inflow pipe before the silencer and the air regulation valve. Anyway, when placing the flowmeter directly on the silencer we didn’t find much difference.

This value is not very stable, it tends to vary between 450/500 and 800 l/h very quickly. We took the mean value of this measures to come up with the final value. This is due to the hydraulic phenomenon called water hammer, which originates inside the pump.

We have to underline the fact that the skimmer pump impeller hadn’t been cleaned for a few months when we took these measures, and it could have affected the results. After all this is our test modality for any skimmer we try as we like to evaluate their performance during their real usage.

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The air inflow is less than a half of what declared (1500 l/h), 53% less to be correct as we measured 704 l/h. This measure hasn’t kept the skimmer from working properly in our trial tank which was all but small.

We have already seen something similar in the past with the Elos PS2000 and LGMAquari LGS850 which had air inflow much lower than the labels’, while skimmers such as Vertex Omega 180i, Tunze Doc Skimmer 9415 and Ultra Reef Akula UKS 180 were found to be closer to what declared on the labels.

We measured air inflow with a sump level of 23 cm and salinity at 35 ‰, remember that a skimmer is extremely sensible to water density and different values will result in different behavior of the skimmer.


Our trial tank was really loud, but this skimmer is extremely quiet. We took three measurements all at 1 metre from the tank (therefore from the sump) and we got the following:

Acoustic pressure at 1 m with all equipment on and cupboard doors closed: 53,1 dB

Acoustic pressure at 1 m with return pump on and cupboard doors open: 60,5 dB

At 1 m with return pump and skimmer on: 61,8 dB.

The difference in the acoustic pressure with the skimmer on and off is only 1,3 dB, we think this is irrelevant.

I used the professional phonometer VOLTCRAFT 320, digital phonometer IEC 651 Type II  which have been sufficiently accurate seeing the results. Considering the type of noise we needed to measure, all the measures were recorded with dBA wave attenuation.

Maintenance costs

The Nyos Quantum 3 pump is stated to have an electrical consumption of 18 watt, which would be 158 Kwh per year, with a cost of 42,50 € if the kwh price stayed at 0,27 €. This would result is a very cheap price of 3,50 € per month.

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We didn’t find any shortcomings of this skimmer. We used it in a sump (Vertex) with a fixed level, dividing the skimmer from the return pump section, and this probably put the skimmer in best condition to work in.

Just like any single pump skimmer, if the water level slightly changes the skimmer can vary its foaming behavior.

Sump Vertex

The problem is easily solved with a divided sump, which I suggest in any case, or with a very good osmocontroller which can refill the sump when the level decreases of a few millimeters.


The Nyos Quantum 160 is really good skimmer. It is built in a flawless way, with good air inflow values, sold at an aggressive price of 486 €, very good for its technical features and performances. We can easily recommend this skimmer as it worked very well in our big tank.

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During our trial it worked regularly, efficiently and accurately, with an easy adjusting method and very silent, easy to open for cleaning, very beautiful to see (it’s a plus!).

With this manufacture level and extreme care for details we don’t know if it will ever be possible to improve its looks even more! We know we said this for other products… but just look at it:

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The Nyos Quantum 160 is thought for tanks between 250 and 1000 litres, depending on the organic load. We think it could be used in SPS tanks for up to 400 l, keeping it wet and cleaning the cup often. For less heavily populated tanks, soft coral tanks or for fish-only tanks we think we could use it for up to 800 l.

Nyos Quantum 160 Skimmer


ico.piu.png Good Quality/Price Relationship
ico.piu.png Perfect Manufacturing
ico.piu.png Silent
ico.piu.png Plain Sight impeller
ico.piu.png Titanium Screws


ico.meno Actual air inflow less than what said on label
ico.meno Submerged outflow

Manufacture Quality
Quality/Price Relationship

We thank Nyos for providing us with the skimmer for this trial. Distribution and assistance in Italy is provided by ReefLine, a real warranty on quality and competence.

We are available to answer any question you might have!


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