We have availability of the new interesting product by Equo: Remover NH3. Articolo presente anche in Italiano.
Remover NH3 has been presented for the first time during the Nuremberg Interzoo exhibition. Today we have in exam some boxes we have used for starting our marine aquarium. We wanted to avoid the initial ammonia peak.
Equo Remover NH3 it’s an interesting product because it proposes to remove ammonia, chlorine and chloramine from the aquarium. It has been studied to be utilized both in freshwater and marine aquariums.
Ammonia and Aquarium
As you know ammonia is a toxic composite that forms with biological processes like the respiration, the secretion or the decomposition. This composite has to be controlled in the setting up of a new aquarium or in a crowded one. (Don’t use it to fix intentional overfeeding.)
All of these processes lead to the transformation of organic nitrogen and they are a constant source of ammonia. They are usually activated by bacteria that degrade amino acids: amino nitrogen (-NH2) transforms into ammonia (NH3). Moreover the fish release ammonia through breathing and urea. So the ammonia can concentrate in the water even when fish are fasting, like in small transporting bags.
How Equo Remover NH3 works
Equo Remover NH3 neutralizes toxic ammonia transforming it in a not harmful molecule, the amino methanesulfonate salt. This biodegradable salt type is easily filtered through the nitrification. Remover NH3 also eliminates chlorine and chloramine.
The product contains Aloe Vera extract which increases immune defenses and health of the epidermis and gills, due to its richness of Acemannanes and Glycosides. In this way Remover NH3 also reduces negative stress effects.
Equo Remover NH3 can be used independently, but Equo suggests the use with Nutrobact, Bacterya and Bio-Nitronex for an optimal nitrogen cycle.
The Package
The vials contain 5 ml of solution, each one can handle up to 200 liters of water, and eliminates even 1 mg/l of ammonia. Both marine and freshwater aquariums need the same doses. If you have any kind of problem remember that Equo will help you and it’s very active in our forum.
The vials have been built with the new “score break“, technology: their glass is already cut as you can clearly see in the previous picture. So the break will be safe and sharp.
Equo Remover NH3 has a new package that the company launched in Nuremberg 2016, in vivid orange and blue writings. Like the others Equo‘s boxes containing vials, Remover NH3 too has a styrofoam spacer inside. The vials aren’t in touch and their solutions are preserved by too fast thermic shocks.
Equo Remover NH3 is sold in two packages of 6 or 24 vials. I suggest that for the first time the pack with 6 vials should be better, so you can understand if this product suits you.