Home REEF AQUARIUM Editorial about Zoomark 2017

Editorial about Zoomark 2017



The Tetra‘s booth showed some small set up aquariums, among which the nice aquarium of the MinionsMinions? Yes, you’re read right 🙂

Surely it was dedicated to the children.

Another tiny aquarium cured by Tetra.

And a bigger one on show in the hall.

Family pet

Here the booth of Family Pet and especially the Euraquarium brand of which you can see an interesting fresh water aquarium.

Petra Aqua

Even this year was present the importer and wholesaler Petra Aqua from the Czech Republic.

At this point we visited the last two booths in which we were interested.


The first was Aquatlantis‘s booth, a Portuguese builder of aquariums, led lights and other.


And last but not least Zoolux, with JBL and Ocean Nutritions brands.


Two years ago in our previous editorial we wrote: “So even this year we have to say that if this tendency will be confirmed again probably the aquarist part of the Zoomark could even be cancelled due to the lack of exhibitors and interest, and we have already written it in the editorial of two years ago. We obviously hope that it’s not going to happen, and that the management of the exhibition would plan another way to proceed, involving many companies to participate. We have a lot of ideas in order to improve the exhibition, in case they one day will contact us for an opinion.

But as we have said in the opening, after almost 10 years the tendency has changed a little with more guests.
It was very interesting the Aqua Project with the  ITAU‘s booth on show. The packages of Heiko Bleher and ITAU were very nice. There were few companies of international relevance and the number of the aquaristic companies was very low, but the situation is changing and we have better expectations for the next editions.

In any case we’re going to deepen the contents of the booths that we’ve considered more interesting. You can find here below the specific links of the reviews we’re going to do in the next weeks, so keep visiting this page!

Feel free to ask anything in the comments.

The booths:


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