Home REPORTAGES Zoomark 2017: The beautiful MiniOceanario (also in video even in 4K)

Zoomark 2017: The beautiful MiniOceanario (also in video even in 4K)


MiniOceanario a Zoomark 2017Today we’ll end the series of articles about the Zoomark 2017, but with a great topic: the MiniOceanario.

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We’ll show you the beautiful aquarium which was the main attraction of the 19th pavillion. It was a very big and square shaped aquarium, cured by Giuseppe Nisi and Fabio Lorusso, internationally known aquascapers. Both of them are members of the ITAU, that is the ITalian Aquascapers Union, association that wants to make the aquascaping known in Italy and in the world. In the past we talked very much about it and, if you want other informations, we’ll leave the link to their page at the end of this article.

The management of the Zoomark 2017 indeed gave a special reward to Giuseppe Nisi and Fabio Lorusso for their beautiful aquarium.

The tank was crafted by italian company OceanLife.

The MiniOceanario

Danilo Ronchi di DaniReef a sinistra e Giuseppe Nisi a sinistra, coautore dell'acquario
Danilo Ronchi from DaniReef on the right and Giuseppe Nisi on the left, coauthor of the aquarium

Here above Danilo Ronchi and Giuseppe Nisi are talking exactly about the details of the beautiful MiniOceanario. In fact Fabio and Giuseppe explained that it has been created in memory of Takashi Amano (here). As we already know the great master created the Lisbon Oceanarium (here our article about), and our friends wanted to remember him in this project.

MiniOceanario a Zoomark 2017

The aquarium is really spectacular. We really loved it. We even made a video in 4K, and if you can display it on your screen the resolution worth it.

Here there are some beautiful Pterophyllum scalare into the MiniOceanario.

And finally here’s the video we made. We’re waiting for you comments and opinions!

But aquariums by ITAU‘s guys are way more. In addition to those we’ve already shown you in our reportages, there were also these little and nice two:


Zoomark 2017 now it’s finished. We’ve concluded our reportages, but if you want to read again our comments we’ll leave you to our Editorial. From there you can also directly reach all the articles we’ve published until today.

ITAU – ITalian Aquascapers Union

Zoomark International 2017 Editorial


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