Home REEF AQUARIUM Equo Allium, a garlic concentrate for the health of the fish

Equo Allium, a garlic concentrate for the health of the fish


Equo Allium - garlic supplementGarlic is a good ally against parasitosis and it reinforces the health of marine and fresh water fish. Equo Allium is the product by Equo meant for that.

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Technically the real name of garlic is Allium sativum, that is from where Equo chose its name, and it is a bulbous cultivated plant. It’s part of the family of the Amaryllidaceae (species of the Allioideae). The importance of garlic is due to one of its derivative, the Allicin. It’s scientifically proven that the Allicin has antibiotic properties.

So we want to use garlic with a therapeutic and preventive purpose for our fish.

We basically have to ways. The first one is to use feeds with garlic extract; the second is to buy garlic, extract the juice and melt the feed with it before giving it to the fish. This last solution is surely the best one, except for the smell on the hands and the time of the preparation.

Equo has given its solution with its own garlic concentrate: Equo Allium.

Equo Allium – garlic concentrate

Equo Allium - garlic supplement

Allium is a garlic concentrate in extremely pure osmosis water. You can use it to soften the feed before giving it to your fish, or to directly administer it into the aquarium.

I prefer using it on the fish feed. In this way, with no any other effort we add this “natural antibiotic” to the food, and we will give to our fish a concrete help to fight parasitosis or raise their immunitary defenses.

Equo suggests a posology for an administration of 5ml each 100 liters in aquarium, from once to more times in a week. The product doesn’t have any collateral effects, so you can use it freely.

Acanthurus japonicus con Cryptocaryon irritans
Acanthurus japonicus with Cryptocaryon irritans

From my point of view it’s one of the most important ways to help the fish afflicted by Cryptocaryon irritans like the Acanthurus japonicus in the picture above.

Equo Allium is sold in bottles of 100, 250 and 500 ml or in cans of 2,5 and 5 liters. Respectively, the costs are 7,70, 15,57, 22,14 euro for the smaller packages (100 ml cost 7,70 in the 100 ml bottle, 6,23 in the 250 ml bottle and 4,43 in the 500 ml bottle). The bigger package is the best suited.


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