Home REEF AQUARIUM Alka Haul – a remarkable alkalinity buffer by ATM for freshwater and...

Alka Haul – a remarkable alkalinity buffer by ATM for freshwater and marine aquariums


ATM Alka Haul Reef, buffer per kh: la confezioneOne of the most important measure in a marine aquarium is its carbonate hardness, or rather dKh or KH. This measure is important also for freshwater aquariums, togheter with GH. For both these worlds ATM presents Alka Haul Reef and Alka Haul Freshwater.

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The name Alka is the short for Alkalinity, which is the carbonate content. Haul stands for reserve. So this is a carbonate reserve.

Alka Haul Reef

ATM  guarantees that the chemical formula of Alka Haul is very complex. This buffer consists of several elements in order to allow a long time stabilization of pH and Kh. With Alka Haul are provided also calcium and magnesium portions, so the benefit is for all the tank, not only for alkalinity. As ATM custom, this product is extremely  concentrated, and ATM says that Alka Haul is 2,5 times more concentrated than other buffers on the market.

ATM Alka Haul Reef, buffer per kh: la confezioneThe packaging is 236 ml, and the label says that 1 gr of powder in 55 litres of water increases alkalinity of 1 Kh degree. To simplify your life let’s see two different tanks:

  • 100 litres tank: for increasing 1 Kh degree we must give 1,8 gr. of powder
  • 300 litres tank: for increasing 1 Kh degree we must give 5,5 gr. of powder

More simply you have to divide your tank volume by 55, and you obtain the grams of powder to add.

The 236 ml package costs 29 euros.

ATM Alka Haul Reef, buffer per kh: la polvere contenuta

Alka Haul Freshwater

Alka Haul Freshwater formulation, of course, is different from the reef aquariums one. But at the same time it is complex, and this product itself consists of several elements. This formulation, similarly to the reef one, promotes alkalinity stability for a long time. It contains also calcium and magnesium, so it helps to purify the water and it brings an advantage for all the tank, by enhancing bacteria activity. This product is extremely concentrated too. ATM says that  Alka Haul is 2,5 times more concentrated than the other buffers on the market.

ATM Alka Haul Freshwater, buffer per kh: la confezione

We have, as for his brother Alka Haul Reef  a 236 ml package, and the label says that 1 gr. of powder in 55 litres increases alkalinity of 1 Kh degree. To simplify your life we can see a practical example of two different tank sizes:

  • 100 litres tank: to increase of 1 Kh degree we must give 1,8 gr. of powder
  • 300 litres tank: to increase of 1 Kh degree we must give 5,5 gr. of powder

More simply, whatever tank you have, you must divide your tank size by 55, and you obtain how many grams to add.

The 236 ml package costs 28,50 euros.

ATM Alka Haul Freshwater, buffer per kh: la polvere contenuta



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