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Interzoo 2018: the very first time for Askoll and it shows its aquariums


Finally, we can say it, even Askoll partecipated at the most important fair of aquariums in the world and we’re very happy.

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I’ve already had opportunity to say, during the presentation of the marine aquarium Pure Marine XL HC LED (italian review but the english translation will come as soon as possible), that I began my aquaristic life exactly with an Askoll aquarium. So I didn’t get the absence of this italian colossus at this exhibition.

But today, thanks to the interest of Andrea Monti, it seems that something is going to change in the company of Vicenza and we’re here to tell you.

The stand was as we like, lit, wide and not with a profusion of products. There were beautiful aquariums exposed and they have been wonderfully set by the friends of ITAU, in particular the fresh water aquariums. The same booth ideally represented a portal that invited the costumers to enter in the Askoll world. A metaphor we liked very much. Well done.

Pratically, Askoll, that doesn’t have new products to show, except for the Pure Marine XL HC LED, took the occasion to present itself. And we think it succeded very well.

But let’s see in detail the aquariums we could photograph.

Askoll aquariums present at the Interzoo 2018

Like we’ve just said, let’s begin with the Pure Marine XL HC LED that dominated the booth, minimally set up.

This is a set up that particularly enhances this type of aquariums. It’s not an aquarium for SPS corals, that should have another price and target. But it’s a good aquarium, with beautiful finish, especially dedicated to fish and soft corals or LPS.

In the booth were present in major part fresh water aquariums, set up by the friends of ITAU, Italian Aquascapers Union.

Here above there’s a beautiful Askoll Pure L LED aquarium, with a minimal set up and a beautiful shrimp that we can see in detail below. Actually, if you can specify me the species, thank you.

Below, there’s an Askoll Pure XL HC LED. I like even more this particular set up, it enhances very much the aquarium in which it is contained.

Below, there’s what it seems to be an Askoll Pure XL HC Black that shows a beautiful submerged landscape.

And in the end, an aesthetic jewel in its rubin red color.

The Askoll Pure M LED it’s very beautiful, and the combination of the green of the Aquascaping and the red of the chassis enhance it particularly.

These aquariums are very beautiful, aesthetically planned to be in houses, really good if you want to enter the aquariology world through the front door.

The new feed Askoll Diet

The Askoll Diet is a product that we didn’t know and that made us very curious.

In particular the box struck us: it’s made by a transparent plastic and it has an aluminum top. Aesthetically speaking it’s very appealing. Now we’re curious to test the marine grain, but it’s not sure that we’re going to try it once we’ve finish the current one.

Other Askoll products on show at the booth

We’ve seen the led tubes A Tube Led and the lamps A LED.

Products for the osmosis, for the CO2 and submersible heaters.


For further informations about Askoll‘s products we send you to their beautiful official site. We invite you also to read our Editorial about the fair to know our point of view on this 36th edition of the Interzoo 2018 and to consult the links of the articles dedicated to the booths we’ve visited until today:


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