Home REPORTAGES Interzoo 2018: Kessil’s booth with fresh water and marine ceiling lights

Interzoo 2018: Kessil’s booth with fresh water and marine ceiling lights


Interzoo 2018: lo stand KessilKessil, one of the most important american companies for what concerns the lighting, came back at the Interzoo with its interesting products.

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It came back with a booth in the 4th pavilion with three set aquariums, a marine, a fresh water one and a nanoreef. In this way we could admire 3 different products by Kessil. And, most of all, the effect that each ceiling light has on the aquarium. Kessil, right from its beginning, aim to a kind of lighting made by Cannon LED,. The result is impressive, as you can see from the pictures. Unluckily the reflection doesn’t stand out, and it’s a pity.

Kessil AP 700

The Kessil AP 700 it’s the most important ceiling light of the entire Kessil production. The ceiling light can be controlled by wi-fi, with the possibility to set every coloration, acclimatization, dimmering effects, lunar light, atmospheric effects and even more. The AP 700 uses hybrid optics that simulate the HQi-T5 effect, so set the AP700 guarantees the a combined effect as if there were HQi and T5 lamps upon the aquarium.

Interzoo 2018: lo stand Kessil con la plafoniera LED AP700An AP 700 alone covers 91×61 cm for an aquarium with only SPS, while it can reach 122×61 for a traditional “mixed” aquarium. The spectrum is obviously complete, and with all the LED in the same cluster the ceiling light is perfectly able to organize them so that you don’t notice unaesthetic different lines of coloration. The power of the ceiling light is of 185 watt and it’s 51 cm large.

Interzoo 2018: acquario marino presso lo stand KessilThe one here above is the result that you could appreciate in the aquarium.

Kessil A160 for fresh water

Interzoo 2018: lo stand Kessil con la plafoniera LED A160

The Kessil A160 ceiling lights are for both fresh water and marine aquariums. In this case we’re referring to the one dedicated to the fresh water, with a double-peak spectrum for a better stimulation of growing plants.

Interzoo 2018: lo stand Kessil con la plafoniera LED A160The result, or at least at the first sight, is very beautiful. And the reflection on a fresh water aquarium is simply spectacular.

Interzoo 2018: aquascaping presso lo stand Kessil

The Kessil A160 has 40 watt of power, and can cover up to a diameter of 60 cm.

Kessil H160 UV LED

Interzoo 2018: lo stand Kessil con la plafoniera LED H160 UV LED

The Kessil H160 (used in this case for lighting a sump) is a ceiling light with complete spectrum with UV ed infrared. It has been particularly studied for the photosynthesis.

Interzoo 2018: lo stand Kessil con la plafoniera LED H160 UV LED

The specs are always 60 cm of covering with 40 watt of power like the sister A160.

Kessil A360 – the perfect circular light

Interzoo 2018: lo stand Kessil con la plafoniera LED A360Interesting the new Kessil A360. It goes over the pure power doubling compared to the A series, bringing the increase until 90 watt against 40. It’s available in two versions, W and N, that respectively have a covering of 60 and 45 cm, increasing the power per cm compared to the smaller A series. Even the A360 exists in both marine and fresh water version.

Kessil A80 for minireef

Interzoo 2018: lo stand Kessil con la plafoniera LED A80Finally there was a beautiful ceiling light for nano and mini reef, the small Kessil A80. Always based on a LED cluster, with passive cooling.

Interzoo 2018: lo stand Kessil con la plafoniera LED A80

The power reaches just 15 watt but keeping 60 cm of cover, obviously with less water among corals and ceiling light in order to maintain a decent power. The visual result is the following one:

Interzoo 2018: lo stand Kessil con la plafoniera LED A80 su minireefDefinitely interesting.


For further informations about Kessil and all their ceiling lights we send you to their website and we e invite you also to read our Editorial about the fair to know our point of view on this 36th edition of the Interzoo 2018 and to consult the links of the articles dedicated to the booths we’ve visited until today. We don’t know any italian importer, and it’s a real pity.

Interzoo 2018: lo stand Kessil


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