Home REPORTAGES Scitronix enters the market with led bars for Vertex Illumina and a...

Scitronix enters the market with led bars for Vertex Illumina and a new computer


Interzoo 2018: stand ScitronixDo you remeber that some months ago we talked about Scitronix? The company has the possibility to repair and sell the components of the old Illumina ceiling lights by Vertex.

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Unexpectedly (at least for us that didn’t know the Austrian company), we met Scitronix gmbx in a booth of the Interzoo 2018. And we stopped to learn something more about the company and what it offers.

Scitronix is the Austrian company to which Vertex commissioned its products Vertex Illumina. So we’re not in front of a company who did reverse engineering just to be inserted in the old ceiling lights market. To be clear, the know how is firmly in its hands. For this the various upgrades can really change the old Illumina that maybe someone still has at home.

We watched and touched their products, we analyzed the constructive care, in particular Federico (HkK.2003), who has worked with led for many years now. He said that the constructive care and the used components seems to be of high quality.

Interzoo 2018: stand Scitronix - ricambi per plafoniera LED Vertex IlluminaSo, if one of our readers still has a Vertex Illumina ceiling light could rely on Scitronix with no doubts, both for updating and boosting it with the last market standards. They sure have a lot to offer.

Interzoo 2018: stand Scitronix - ricambi per plafoniera LED Vertex Illumina

In addiction to the ceiling lights Scitronix proposes its revisiting of Cerebra computers (here some articles in italian about). This time the proposal has Scitronix’s brand and different accessories supplied.

Interzoo 2018: stand Scitronix - computer per acquari littleblueThe brand we’re reffering to will be littleblue, but as you can see they have a total similarity. In the pictures you can also see the power unities to which connect the electric sockets of the various devices.

Interzoo 2018: stand Scitronix - computer per acquari littleblueThe constructive care is of very high quality.Interzoo 2018: stand Scitronix - computer per acquari littleblue


For further informations about Scitronix and about the various configurations of Vertex Illumina and Cerebra we send you to their official website and facebook page. We invite you also to read our Editorial about the fair to know our point of view on this 36th edition of the Interzoo 2018 and to consult the links of the articles dedicated to the booths we’ve visited until today:

Interzoo 2018: stand Scitronix


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