Home REPORTAGES Interzoo 2018: Forwater introduces its own osmosis filters for the first time

Interzoo 2018: Forwater introduces its own osmosis filters for the first time


Interzoo 2018: Impianti di osmosi Osmo Professional da ForwaterForwater as well exhibited at Interzoo this year for the first time. Their excellent osmosis filters are ready to take over the aquarist world.

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Seeing Francois at Interzoo has a very particular flavor to me. For those of you who don’t know, together with Francois, known professionally as Decasei, we started as hobbyists and then as moderators to be present on the Italian aquarist scene in the early ’00s. Back then we both were moderators of one of the biggest Italian boards. And back then as well Francois was a man of few words, who preferred actions over words. History brought Francois to found Forwater and to be one of the leading experts in osmosis filters, at least regarding aquariums, in Italy.

Seeing him exhibiting at Interzoo makes me extremely happy then for his path and the passion we have shared, in some kind of way, in the last 20 years.

Forwater osmosis filters

As I wrote above, the Forwater installments are second to none, and stand out for the use of first choice and high quality constituents. Often some aquarists try to spend less in the purchase, but I can assure you that you won’t be let down by a Forwater filter.

Interzoo 2018: Impianto di osmosi Osmo Professional da ForwaterAbove you can see the ultimate installment, the one that normally, except for particular problems, every one of us could and should have at home.

We are dealing with a cups filter, one loaded with activated charcoal and the other one with a mesh filter. You then find the membrane and  to finish another post osmosis filter loaded with Silco anti-silicate resins (read our review here). Since it’s a cups filter, it’s part of the Osmo Professional series, to stand out from the other filters of the line.

Interzoo 2018: Impianto di osmosi a bicchieri Osmo Professional da Forwater

The installment above is the same as the previous, with an added pressure gauge to control the pressure.

Interzoo 2018: Impianto di osmosi a bicchieri Osmo Professional da ForwaterWe keep getting better with the above Osmopure Pro 8, in other words three cups in line, pressure gauge and TDS indicator (what TDS is and what its is purpose).

Interzoo 2018: Impianto di osmosi a bicchieri Osmo Professional da Forwater

Above you can see a “light” version without post osmosis, which I usually discourage in favor of the installments we have seen before.

Forwater’s filters on the line

Unlike the cups filters, cheaper installments also exist on the line. The membrane and the vessel are absolutely identical, what changes is the filters, which aren’t transparent anymore and in which you only change the content (except for the post osmosis one below), less spacious, and that require the change of the whole filter.

Interzoo 2018: Impianto di osmosi in linea Osmo Professional da ForwaterAbove you can see an Osmosis Pro series installment, which is for sure cheaper than the previous ones, but comes in the classic configuration with two pre-filters plus post-osmosis.

Interzoo 2018: Impianto di osmosi in linea Osmo Professional da ForwaterAbove you can see instead a normal installment without post osmosis.


For more information about the Forwater products you should check out their official website, where you can also purchase them, and we invite you to read our Editorial about the exhibition to learn about our point of view about Interzoo and to get the list of all the booths we have visited and commented to date:

Interzoo 2018: stand Forwater


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