Home REPORTAGES ReefLED ReefWave ReefDose and ReefClean from Red Sea

ReefLED ReefWave ReefDose and ReefClean from Red Sea


Interzoo 2018: acquari all in one nello stand RedSeaRed Sea opened at Interzoo 2018 with a bang. We were told in advance in Shangai (article), and we almost found it hard to believe, but the latest products were a lot and all very interesting.

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For once, we weren’t just talking about the beautiful Red Sea all-in-one aquariums, which were there and looked very impressive. But after taking pictures and macros of the animals contained in the aquariums, we were received by Aviad Ben-Zekry, who guided us inside the big Red Sea booth, and introduced all the latest products to us and let us touch them firsthand.

Red Sea Net Cover

We’re talking about what we have already seen at CIPS, or that nylon cover net that sparked a debate in the last months. At the booth it was featured in all of the aquariums, and it surely is a solution that prevents an accidental jump of the fish outside the aquarium. Aquarists are divided not on its efficacy, that is necessarily at maximum, but on its visual and maintenance impact of aquariums.

Interzoo 2018: Red Sea Net Cover

Despite all of that, I think it’s a great idea, and for someone it will be a classical egg of Columbus, that will just eliminate the problem.

The new ReefClean skimmers

Interzoo 2018: i nuovi schiumatoi Red Sea ReefCleanRed Sea introduced its new skimmers from the ReefClean line. Built in acrylic, they come in three different dimensions. Sicce pumps are on them, and for once the recommendation is a kind of aquarium based on what is contained inside. Therefore on an aquarium litres indication for SPS, for fish or mixed.

  SPS Mixed Fish Pump Treated air Treated water Dimensions
ReefClean 300 l 600 l 900 l Sicce PSK-600 500 l/h 1000 l/h 18x25x53(h) cm
ReefClean XL 600 l 1.200 1.800 l Sicce PSK-1000 750 l/h 1500 l/h 21x28x56(h) cm
ReefClean XXL 900 l 1.800 2.700 l Sicce PSK-1200 900 l/h 2000 l/h 24x31x59(h) cm

Interzoo 2018: i nuovi schiumatoi Red Sea ReefClean, particolare del bicchiereThere’s an interesting groove in the glass that allows always seeing the foam inside the neck, even when what remains of the the glass fills up and gets dirty. A simple idea that we wonder why no one ever thought of before. You go, Red Sea.

The adoption of the new Sicce PSK pumps allows an averagely silent functioning, comparing to traded volumes. The skimmer is conical, with an internal pump to safeguard the space and the submerged exhaust pipe.

Red Sea ReefDose – the new dosimetric pumps

Interzoo 2018: pompe dosometriche Red Sea ReefDoseIn the picture above you can see two of them using Red Sea products, that are part of the perfect method to manage a marine aquarium. A method that was developed by Red Sea in full, and which we’ll talk about in a future follow-up.

The 4-canal dosimetric have a 0,06 ml precision and can be set up to 24 doses per day. Everything can be controlled through the App.

Interzoo 2018: App per pompe dosometriche Red Sea ReefDoseOn the same app you can see the history, the remaining volume in every container, and it’s possible to set a series of alarms based on residual quantity.

The beautiful Red Sea aquariums

Let’s stop talking about accessories for a minute to see the gorgeous tanks set up at the booth by Red Sea.

Interzoo 2018: acquari all in one nello stand Red Sea

Interzoo 2018: acquari all in one nello stand Red Sea

Interzoo 2018: acquari all in one nello stand Red Sea

Interzoo 2018: acquari all in one nello stand Red Sea

Interzoo 2018: acquari all in one nello stand Red Sea

The article continues on page two with macro pictures of corals, with the new ReefWave pump and the new ReefLed lamp.


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