Home REPORTAGES Interzoo 2018: the Dohse booth shows off a Dupla in great shape

Interzoo 2018: the Dohse booth shows off a Dupla in great shape


Interzoo 2018: Lo stand Doshe Aquaristik - DuplaBehind the Skimz booth, which we saw some days ago (article), there was the Dohse Aquaristik booth, which among other things, is the owner of the Dupla brand.

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As a matter of fact, Dupla was acquired by Dohse in 2004 after some ups and downs, and today it’s probably the sharp end of the spear of the German brand. Among other things, Dohse is also Skimz‘s business partner and it cures its distribution in some markets. In Italy Dupla is imported and distributed by Aquaristica historically. In addition, this makes us hope in a approaching Skimz participation inside Aquaristica, and therefore its availability in Italy, but that is another matter.

Back to us, we were happy to see Dupla in perfect shape, with many new products to get to know, and what really struck us was a product that was presented at Interzoo. We’re talking about the Dupla Marin Nano Ocean Cube 80. For this, we have to thank Christoph Seidel, who welcomed and entertained us at the Dupla booth – it was a pleasure meeting him.

Dupla Marine Nano Ocean Cube 80

We’re talking about an 80 litres marine aquarium, sold in a box with all that is needed to get started.

Interzoo 2018: L'acquario completo Nano Ocean Cube presso lo stand Doshe Aquaristik - DuplaWhat you can call an All In One. We have seen plenty displayed at the fair and we liked the simplicity of all of them. Plus, we really appreciated that the layouts were quite convincing as invertebrates and fish, meaning that there weren’t forced SPS which would have never survived adequately in real life.

The aquarium measures 45x45x40 cm, a proportion I personally appreciate a lot. Wider than it is tall. The return pump is a Skimz Quiet Eco 1.2 (article) whilst the illumination is left to an Ocean Lux LED 23 W, da 7.500°K. The skimmer is optional and it’s a Skimz SH1s.

Below you can find beautiful pictures of the aquariums set up in the booth.

Meanwhile, below you can see the details of the small Nano Ocean Cube.

Obviously at the booth there also were some Skimz products, like foamers and sumps.

Another product that we’d like to show you is the new seasalt Dupla Marin Amino Active.

Dupla Marin Amino Active Seasalt

Interzoo 2018: Sale Marino Amino Active presso lo stand Doshe Aquaristik - DuplaWe’re talking about a seasalt that contains amino acids in a concentration similar to the sea water’s. In Dupla‘s opinion, these amino acids play an important role in the growth and regenerative process of the corals.

The base values are: calcium 460 mg/l, magnesium 1.300 mg/l, Kh 9 and potassium 400 mg/l.

Interzoo 2018: Sale Marino Amino Active presso lo stand Doshe Aquaristik - DuplaThe suggested salinity is 35 per thousand, but then you can be misled to the equivalence of 3 kg per 90 litres, or a 32 per thousand salinity. A very interesting salt which we’ll find a way to try in our aquariums sooner or later.


For more information about Dupla and Dohse products you should check out their official website. We invite you to read our Editorial about the exhibition to learn about our point of view on Interzoo and to get the list of all of the booths we have visited and commented to date:

Interzoo 2018: Lo stand Doshe Aquaristik - Dupla



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