Home REPORTAGES Macro Aqua and its square based skimmers

Macro Aqua and its square based skimmers


Interzoo 2018: lo stand macroaqua con i titanium square skimmerMacro Aqua is a chinese company that we’ve presented here on DaniReef, and we met them in Cina at the CIPS of Shanghai (article).

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The most well known product by Macro Aqua it’s without any doubts the square based skimmer with the rotor in titanium. It’s the Titanium Square Skimmer.

They are rectangular more than squared, but it’s obvious how this design suits our sumps. You’d have the possibility to put the skimmer in a corner of the tank and have all the sump free. But we have to say that we don’t know how much these skimmers are efficient.

We were wondering about the neck of the glass, that is the area inside the glass where the foam goes. Honestly, we think it’s very little in comparison to the size of the skimmer, but it only can be a sensation. We should try them before giving a more specific judgment.

Interzoo 2018: titanium square skimmer presso lo stand macroaqua

But the name doesn’t say just “square“, but also “titanium“, and remembers that these rectangular skimmers have a rotor in titanium mesh. They sure will have higher prices, but also better performances. (We have already talked about it in a specific article that you can read here in italian). In theory this kind of rotor should be indestructible and the images suggest a good foaming.

Interzoo 2018: giranti per schiumatoi a confronto presso lo stand macroaqua

The pumps accompanying the titanium square skimmer are electric and of 24 volt, so that they can be better set, depending on your own needs. Another noticeable characteristic is the that you can took the glass with just one hand, because it’s simply leaning on the body. Also, the rectangular shape is very useful.


The available models of the Titanium Square Skimmer

There are 5 models and they’re the same of the CIPS, here’s the chart with all the existing types.

Model Dimensions Air rate Flow rate Consumption Aquarium volume
 SNT-25  29x29x55 cm  2.000 l/h  10.000 l/h  60 w  5.000 l
 SNT-22  26x26x55 cm  1.800 l/h  5.000 l/h  45 w  4.000 l
 SNT-18  22x22x53 cm  1.500 l/h  3.500 l/h  35 w  3.000 l
 SNT-15  19x19x51 cm  1.200 l/h  2.500 l/h  25 w  2.200 l
 SNT-13  17x17x51 cm  900 l/h  2.000 l/h  20 w  1.600 l


Even after some months, our judgment doesn’t change. 10.000 l/h of flow rate seem overstated for a skimmer. It’s possible that it’s the rate of the foaming pump when used a normal rotor and zero hydraulic head. From these values Macro Aqua obtains the aquarium volume, even this more over the common thought. It seems impossible for a skimmer this little to manage an aquarium of 5.000 liters.

Interzoo 2018: titanium square skimmer presso lo stand macroaqua

Always looking at the chart, we realize that the consumption of each skimmer is pretty high. And this makes us think that the values are taken from the pump alone, without considering its functioning inside a skimmer with a modified rotor.

We would be glad to verify these numbers, but until then we’re a bit skeptical.

Interzoo 2018: titanium square skimmer presso lo stand macroaqua

Besides these “repleacing” on the market, due to a different amount of liters that we believe being more appropriate to these skimmers, we think that this project is very interesting for comfort and duration. So we can’t wait for the opportunity to have them in our hands and in the tanks of Italian aquarists and then listening to their opinions.

Interzoo 2018: schiumatoi tradizionali presso lo stand macroaqua

Macro Aqua produces also “normal” skimmers, with cylindrical body and normal rotor. But we weren’t very interested, seen the news of the titanium square skimmer.

Interzoo 2018: pompe Multidirectional Flow Generator presso lo stand macroaqua

At the end Macro Aqua presents also a set of pumps very similar to the Gyre by Maxspect. This version is called Multidirectional Flow Generator. They’re three move pumps: UA-7, UA-5 and UA-3. The declared rate is of 9.000, 14.000 and 16.000 l/h. Respectively, with a consumption of 20, 24 and 26 watt.


For further informations about Macro Aqua and its products we send you the official website. We invite you also to read our Editorial about the fair to know our point of view on the Interzoo 2018 and to consult the links of the articles dedicated to the booths we’ve visited until today:


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