Home REEF AQUARIUM Supreme Liquid Salt by Oceanlife – the marine salt is now liquid

Supreme Liquid Salt by Oceanlife – the marine salt is now liquid


Supreme Liquid Salt Marine by OceanLife

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Supreme Liquid Salt is the new salt made in Italy by Oceanlife.

This article is also available in: italiano

Marine salt is one of the basic component of marine aquariums and choosing the right salt is the successful first step to make for the best keeping of your reef aquarium.

As Oceanlife proclaims: “You don’t have to choose between various qualities and compositions because the only right one is the sea’s one.

But today we’re going to present a new type of salt that is going to be soon on the market. It’s the Supreme Liquid Salt by Oceanlife.

Oceanlife wanted to respect its previous statement and affirms that it has “created” this type of salt in order to offer a product that perfectly traces nature.

Supreme Liquid Salt Marine by OceanLife

Oceanlife declares: “Supreme Liquid Salt is formulated and accurately mixed inside our factory and only by using pharmaceutical quality salts in order to reproduce the natural salty water (NSW) in the most accurate way”.

The formulation

We’re talking about a salt that has to be mixed between three bottles, called Supreme Liquid Salt 1/2, Supreme Liquid Salt 2/2 and Supreme Trace. This last one is the most important for the adjustment of the micro elements.

OceanLife says also: “The formulation in three phases ensures a big advantage with the easiest use. All the elements always resulted dispersed in water in the same way, indipendently from their own concentration. The system allows to adjust the eventual overabundances of some elements, thanks to the automatic software and the optional use of supplements for individual elements”.

The three compounds should contain all the elements of the natural salty water  and thanks to its formulation in few seconds the water should be ready.

Thanks to its intelligent formulation, it allows in addiction the eventual correction in decrease of the trace elements in case you observes an accumulation by the ICP analysis. If you want to execute this procedure you just have to follow the instructions of the Balance software in Reef Utilities section”.

Supreme Liquid Salt Marine by OceanLife

Benefits declared by Oceanlife:

  • Easy to use. Easier than using a salty powder, even for beginners;
  • Speed of preparation. Water immediately ready for the change with stable values;
  • No leftovers in the bottles. Using pharmaceutical quality salts the quality of the whole water is superior to any other salt on the market;
  • Stable quantity of macro and micro elements in each package and same quality between the various production batches;
  • No damage by humidity thanks to its liquid formulation, even when open it doesn’t deteriorate like salty powder;
  • Thanks to the phase 3, through the use of Balance software, you can adjust the values of the micro elements if they’re too high after the ICP test;


We can’t express a personal opinion about this salt because we haven’t had the opportunity to test it yet. Plus we don’t know its chemical elements so we can’t say anything more. We hope to have it available soon so that we can do our review.


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