Home REEF AQUARIUM How to heal a sick fish with AGP Super Garlic V

How to heal a sick fish with AGP Super Garlic V

Super Garlic V di AGP

AGP presents Super Garlic V garlic extract to heal sick fish.

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Super Garlic V is a new garlic extract proposed by AGP in its own unique line, for strengthen the immune system of the fish.

Garlic, in latin language named Allium sativum, it’s a species of in the onion genus, now belonging to the Amaryllidaceae (subfamily Allioideae). The importance of garlic derives from one of its compounds, the Allicin. It’s scientifically proved that the Allicin has antibiotic efficiency. So not only the popular traditions were right, but its therapeutic capacities are been widely demonstrated.

That’s the starting point. The arriving point, concerning our hobby, is the use of garlic for therapeutic purpose and prevention for our fish.

You have two ways of using in aquarium. The first is to use feed with garlic extracts (for example AGP Super garlic gran from the same brand). The second is to buy the garlic yourselves, exstract the juice and soak the feed before administering it to the fish. The second solution should be the one to be preferred, if it wasn’t for the smell on your hands and the time to spend every time you administer the feed.

Super Garlic V di AGP

Here we have AGP Super Garlic V, that is not limited to be simple garlic juice, but it adds these vitamins: vitamin A that helps the growth and protects the skin of the fish, both of marine and fresh water; vitamin E that stimulates the formation of fertility hormones; vitamin D3 that regulates the assimilation of calcium and phosphorus.

How to use Super Garlic V in aquarium

Basing on the producer’s instructions you can dose until 4 drops a day over dry or frozen food. This will soften the feed before the fish eat it.

Obviously, don’t expect the istant healing from every problem, but it’s surely a valid help against the most common fish diseases.

Super Garlic V di AGP

AGP Super Garlic V is sold in a 30 ml package and it costs17,87 euro.


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