Home FRIENDS TANKS The Acropora wonderful aquarium with T5 from Giuliano Carafa

The Acropora wonderful aquarium with T5 from Giuliano Carafa


All the corals of Giuliano Cafara’s aquarium

Here it is the best part of Giuliano‘s aquarium, because the corals are the real stars! For obtaining these wonderful colors he used the particular alimentation plan we reported before, and it’s up to you to determine if it was worth it!

Lo splendido acquario marino di Acropore di Giuliano Carafa con T5

They’re for the main part Acroporas, but among them there’s the beautiful Tridacna maxima, there’s also some LPS and a beautiful Montipora samarensis.

Giuliano is keen to thank his trusted store Hobby Acquari di Bologna that has always followed and helped him.

We just have to congratulate again with Giuliano Cafara for his beautiful domestic reef aquarium.

If you want, leave a comment in these pages so that Giuliano can then read and aswer to your curiosities!

Giuliano Cafara ed il suo magnifico acquario di barriera da 500 litri
Giuliano Cafara ed il suo magnifico acquario di barriera da 500 litri


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