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PTC heaters in titanium and many other things by Schego at the Interzoo 2022

Lo stand Schego ad Interzoo 2022 al padiglione 4
Schego’s booth at theInterzoo 2022

Schego‘s booth at the Interzoo 2022 was very essential, but at the same time very elegant. Also, the main products of the German company were present, and we was able to catch a glimpse of some interesting news.

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An iconic brand

Schego is a German company whose name is made by the last names of the founders, Fritz Schemel and Kurt Goetz, who created the company in the far 1949.

Schego immediately specialized in electrical products for domestic aquariums, but, in time, it focused its core business around two main fields: temperature control and ventilation. In more than 65 years of activity Schego‘s products entered the homes of many aquarists. Simple products, but efficient and substantial. Their reliability made them well known in many other contexts, and they have found application also in the field of bio-medicine and the hospital sector. Finally, in the last years, the company has extended its attention also to the ponds and small lakes, entering the market with great aeration pumps.

The titanium heaters

When we visited the booth we had the chance to see many products already in the catalog, like the titanium heaters that we tested thoroughly some time ago (here’s the link of the italian review).

I riscaldatori Schego della serie classica
Schego heaters

The complete line of internal resistance heaters with titanium chassis includes 7 models. The smallest one has 50W of power, then you increase model by model, with 75, 100, 150, 200, 250, 300 until the most powerful of 600W.

Remember that all Schego models don’t come with the temperature controller which has to be purchased separately. Anyway, this “problem” is easily solvable, especially for those who use an automation system in aquarium.

The new Slimline series with PTC technology

The real news of this Interzoo 2022 is the new heaters series SLIMLINE with PTC technology.

They’re also made by an external part in elegant and performing titanium, but they differ from the old models for the heating material inside. The heaters we just talked about have the usual internal coil that heats up when the current passes through and then spread heat through the titanium cover.

In this new type of heater the coil has been substitued by positive temperature coefficient element,that is a special element which increases its own coefficient of resistance when the temperature increases.

This allows a sort of autoadjustment of the electricity which lead to a greater efficiency. So, with the same power, these heaters should have a definitely greater thermal output then the old models.

La serie di riscaldatori Schego Slimline utilizza une elemento PTC ovvero a coefficiente di temperatura positivo
The heater series Schego Slimline uses the PTC element, which is a positive temperature coefficient

They were presented for the first time, with a lineup of 4 models! They have a narrower and more elongated shape: in fact, the general sizes has been modified in order to obtain better results from this new technology, by increasing the radiant surface and improving dissipation.

You have to consider that this particular shape should impact also the use of certain sumps, especially the smallest ones.

For example, the 600W model, compared to the 600W of the classic series, is more than twice as long, and it may cause some problems of placing.

The available powers are 100W, 200W, 300W and 600W for the longer model.

The TR2 thermostat

Schego has also brought its own thermostat for temperature control and regulation, which perfectly integrates with its heaters. The thermostat has a submersible temperature probe that has to be connected via plug to the body of the instrument. There is a LCD display, adjustable until 180° with the specific buttons, through which visualize the temperature detected by the probe and control the exit of the heater within certain parameters.

Il termostato TR2 può comandare tutti i riscaldatori Schego, anche i nuovi Slimline dalla caratteristica forma allungata
The TR2 thermostat can control all Schego heaters, even the new Slimline with their peculiar elongated shape

Pond heaters and their controller

The Pond Heater/Titanium tube is a pond heater build in four models of 100, 200, 300 and 600W.

Even for this type of heater Schego thought of an external temperature controller. The device is called Frost Guard and it consists in a watertight temperature sensor with 5-meter wiring harness that detects the temperature of the environment and the water. The controller works at the temperature of 0° C and when it’s reached it activates the outlet connected and prevents from the frosting of the water.

Schego Frost Guard is available in two models that differ one from the other for the maxium applicable load.

The small sample handles up to 300W of load, while the the big one can handle up to 600W of load, as well as the bigger heater of the house.

Pond Heater and Schego Frost Guard. All that needs to prevent the pond from frosting

Aeration pumps for aquariums and ponds

The aeration pumps couldn’t be missed! The aquarium series includes six models: the smallest ones are the Prima, which can provide 100l/h of air with a consumption of 3W, and the Ideal, with 150l/h with 5W of consumption.

Then the Optimal is the first that can be adjusted and provides 250 l/h with 5W of power consumption. There’s then the M2K3, which is also adjustable, and that with 5W of power consumption provides 350 l/h of air. Separate mention for the WS2 and WS3 so called because, when they provide 250 and 350 l/h, they win the resistance, respectively, of a water column of 2 and 3 meters. A really remarkable performance for a power consumption of 5 and 7 Watt.

La vasta offerta di areatori Schego con i modelli heavy duty WS2 e WS3 a destra nella foto
The wide offer of Schego aeration pumps and the heavy duty models WS2 and WS3 on the right

The GTD 250 is the solution for the aeration for ponds, with 250 l/h of air through a PVC pipe with check valve and porous stone for a better spreading.

La pompa di areazione GTD250 per laghetto. La pietra porosa garantisce una diffusione capillare dell'ossigeno
The aeration pump GTD250 for pond. The porous pump guarantees the capillary spread of the oxigen

The electric pumps

Finally, let’s conclude the presentation by showing Schego‘s line of electric pumps at alternate current.

This kind of pumps has been designed specifically for the transport of fish and living feeds. As we know they suffer from the lack of oxigen during the transport, especially in the summer. It’s a critical problem that forces many shoppers in the field to stop live stock shippings in the warmer periods. With this attention the losses due to the transport should drastically decrease. 

Three models, each of which can be requested in the normal version or with the battery plug, which is used with the cigarette lighter in the car.

The Optimal electronic provides 150 l/h, the TR Extra electronic 180 l/h while the M2K3 electronic reaches the 260 l/h.

Le pompe Shego elettroniche funzionano anche in auto
Schego’s electric pumps that works even in the car


In conclusion, Schego showed, once again, how important is for companies to invest in exhibitions like the Interzoo.

It isn’t necessary to have a science fictional booth, it’s enough a small and functional set up. The important thing is to be present and to be known, especially in this period of general crisis.

As usual, we leave you the link of the official homepage of Schego. We also invite you to read our Editorial on the exhibition, also to check out the articles of the booths we visited that we’re releasing day by day, or to watch our videodocumentary about this edition of the Interzoo 2022.

Semplice ed essenziale. Lo stand Schego riflette la filosofia dell'azienda, poco sfarzo ma tanta sostanza
Simple and essential. Schego’s booth mirrors the company’s philosophy, little pomp and a lot of substance


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