Home REPORTAGES A lot of aquariums at the booth of Aquatlantis at the Interzoo...

A lot of aquariums at the booth of Aquatlantis at the Interzoo 2022


We has always visited the booth of Aquatlantis with a lot of curiosity, because it’s a very dinamic company with a lot of new ideas.

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This year Aquatlantis had one of the biggest booth of the entire Interzoo, and this made us hope. The booth had also a bar where we waited with a cold beer. Very much appreciated! After a few minutes Eunice Chelo met us and presented the beautiful aquarium they had on show. There were some small ones and some enormous so beautiful that I had mouthwatering just looking at them. They were spectacular!

Aquatlantis’ booth at the Interzoo 2022 in our video

Before you go on, we leave you to our video so that you can see the booth not only in picture. Clicking on the link you’ll be directly sent to the part about Aquatlantis, but you can also watch the rest. The video is in Italian, you only have to turn the English subs on! Enjoy!

So it’s obvious that this year Aquatlantis focus on aquariums. And as I said I liked them very much, both for the finishes and the sizes. Look at the one below, isn’t it amazing? And wouldn’t it be in any apartment… big enough to contain it?

Novità Interzoo 2022: gli acquari aquatlantis

Notice also how the edge of the finish is rounded so that there aren’t pointy corners on sight. The model is called Sublime 200×70, and its sizes are 198,5×68,8×74,4 cm, gross volume 1016 liters and actual capacity of 853 liters. The Sublime then exists in many other measures. There are also included two bars Easy Led 2.0 from 88 watt and 6.800°K. Two external filters Cleansys Pro 1400 and two heaters Tecatlantis Easyklim+ of 300 watt complete the dotation.

Here there’s another aquarium with an overflow system, the AquaView SW 120. And this time in dotation there are three bars Easy Led.

Being it an overflow aquarium in the cabinet there’s the sump. So it’s an aquarium specifically dedicated to marine aquatics. The sump is a SW 120.

Then we saw other particular aquariums. Look how beautiful is that cliff aquarium! It’s called Luso. I see it as marine, but it obviously can be also freshwater, as by the way the hardscaping suggests.

Let’s see also some other details of this marine aquarium that is 70x40x40 cm.

But there were more aquariums! Here there is the Kubus, an aquarium of 54 cubic liters, as says the name itself. The sizes are 38,8×39,8×38,8. It has 60 gross liters, as it’s written in the sheet, but on the label is reported only the actual useful capacity. Thanks to Aquatlantis for this attention!

Always the Kubus from another perspective. Notice the covering glass and the perfect stylized light!

The Kubus is also available in a smaller version, of 22 liters, and its sizes are 29×29,8×29.

And here they are all three on show.

Another beautiful aquarium is the Aquascape PRO 80 in the picture below.

The model is 80x55x55 cm, but there’s also another model of 100 cm. The net volume is 215 liters, while the gross is 242 liters. The dotation is complete with two bars Easy Led Universal 2.0 FW of 36 watt and a filter Cleansys PRO 850 with heater of 200 watt.

Let’s conclude with the Aquatlantis Volga 350, with the same round finishes of the cabinet that we like so much.


For further informations about Aquatlantis and its products we remind you their official website. We also invite you to read our Editorial on the exhibition, also to check out the articles of the booths we visited that we’re releasing day by day, or to watch our videodocumentary about this edition of the Interzoo 2022.


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