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Silbermann Aquaristik and Plankton Plus: a new discover

Silbermann Aquaristik and Plankton Plus: a new discover at the Interzoo 2022

We didn’t know Silbermann Aquaristik nor PlanktonPlus before the Interzoo: they’re companies with very interesting products and beautiful corals on show.

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Silbermann Aquaristik, as the name suggests, is a German company from Pyrbaum, south of Nuremberg, so they were playing at home at the fair. Honestly, we didn’t know it, and we aren’t aware that is imported in Italy. What struck us were, at first, the beautiful corals of PlanktonPlus, the other company, among which there was what we elected being the most beautiful coral of the whole exhibition: an incredible pink polyps Catalaphyllia. This company is from Nuremberg and its website is German only.

Silbermann Aquaristik‘s offer is destined to marine aquariums, freshwater aquariums and ponds. PlanktonPlus, otherwise, is specialized in plancton products and in coral sale.

The booth of Silbermann Aquaristik & PlanktonPlus at the Interzoo 2022 in out video

Before you go on, we leave you to our video so that you can see the booth not only in picture. Clicking on the link you’ll be directly sent to the part about Silbermann Aquaristik & PlanktonPlus, but you can also watch the rest. The video is in Italian, you only have to turn the English subs on! Enjoy!

Let’s see the corals first!

As promised, here are the pictures of the beautiful corals at PlanktonPlus‘ booth. I suggest to watch the video too!

Very particular Catalaphyllia with pink polyps at PlanktonPlus' booth at the Interzoo 2022
Very particular Catalaphyllia with pink polyps at PlanktonPlus’ booth at the Interzoo 2022

Silbermann Aquaristik Complete E-Z Reef part A and B

Complete Ez-Reef is the classic biocomponent supplement designed for marine aquariums. The system is perfectly balanced to manage a not too demanding tank, otherwise the dosing would be too high and expensive in the long run. Part A has calcium, magnesium, strontium, vanadium, molybdenum, nickel, iron, copper, manganese and zinc. Part B instead has carbonates, sulfates, iodine and fluorine. The product has been recently produced and it’s one of the news that Silbermann Aquaristik brought at the Interzoo.

Novità a Interzoo 2022: Silbermann Aquaristik Complete E-Z Reef part A e B

The offer of Silbermann Aquaristik is very complete, you can find pretty much all every product you need for running the aquarium. The offer of PlanktonPlus, instead, is focused on the feeding of corals and other organisms.


For further informations on Silbermann Aquaristik and PlanktonPlus and their products we leave you, respectively, their official websites. We also invite you to read our Editorial on the exhibition, also to check out the articles of the booths we visited that we’re releasing day by day, or to watch our videodocumentary about this edition of the Interzoo 2022.

The amazing aquarium at the booth of Silbermann Aquaristik and PlanktonPlus
The amazing aquarium at the booth of Silbermann Aquaristik and PlanktonPlus


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