Home FRIENDS TANKS Polo Reef: we visited the world’s most beautiful marine aquarium

Polo Reef: we visited the world’s most beautiful marine aquarium


New developments and some extremely rare tidbits

During our visit we also went to see Andrew’s office upstairs where an aquarium has been set up to accommodate corals, be they SPS and LPS and only fish that are Reef Safe. We are talking about a aquarium of almost 10,000 liters, so not exactly a pocket aquarium.

Polo Reef - l'acquario marino più bello del mondo: il futuro acquario dedicato ai coralli nello studio di Andrew

But what struck us most was seeing a scruffy-looking cubic aquarium. Andrew explained to us that it is because of the fact that the fish in it, such as the spectacular Genicanthus personatus are fish that need to adapt to the higher temperatures of the main aquarium, being deep-sea fish, and thus accustomed to lower average temperatures. The 4 Genicanthus personatus were purchased for $35,000 each. You do the math.

Polo Reef - l'acquario marino più bello del mondo: Genicanthus personatus
Genicanthus personatus

We not only filmed them but also photographed them…

But they were not the only fish in this small aquarium. In fact, the following are two fish that are part of a series of the only 4 fish caught. That’s right, you heard me right, there are only 4 caught in the world, and 2 of them you can find here.

And finally two beautiful Centropyge narcosis, which I had never seen.

These two aquariums have separate filtration from the Polo Reef system. Although their respective sumps are still housed two floors down.

We parted with Andrew by saying that we would love to return to New York to see the aquarium intended for corals only. We will just have to put another trip around here on the calendar next year. We are sure it will be an absolutely spatial aquarium.

A marvel right next to Polo Reef

In the room where Polo Reef is set up, there is also a second aquarium, which is very beautiful and very unique. We steal the show for just a moment because the corals contained were fantastic, and without a meter of acrylic to go over with the lens they were also very easy to photograph, unlike the corals contained in the large central aquarium.

Acquario di coralli da Polo Reef

Absolutely stunning corals that we are showing you in the following gallery.

How to conclude our visit to Polo Reef

Seeing such an aquarium was amazing. A wonderful glimpse. Animals and fish out of the ordinary. And the closer you got to the glass, the more things you discovered. Not to mention the technical part. Science fiction. A dream come true. This is not a classic aquarium report as we are used to do. This article is a way, perhaps an awkward way, of transmitting to you the emotions we felt when looking at such an aquarium.

Polo Reef - l'acquario marino più bello del mondo: Andrew Sandler davanti al suo acquario

We normally end our articles by giving tips for the best management of the aquariums we visit. This is with the dual intent of giving input to owners to improve themselves and at the same time to point out some issue that perhaps may have been missed by the aquarist.

In this case we have nothing to say. Even analyzing the tank technically, and looking at the results, it is difficult to be able to give even a little advice. Everything is spectacular, everything is fantastic. Beautiful to see and to dream about. We can only sit in a corner and look at it. And admire it.

Thank you once again to Andrew Sandler for allowing us to be able to see such a marvel. And we hope that we have succeeded in engaging you in this reading, that we have made you dream as we dreamed while seeing such a marine reef aquarium.

Polo Reef - l'acquario marino più bello del mondo: DaniReef

If you want more information about Polo Reef, you can visit the beautiful website, or follow it on Facebook or on Instagram, dive in following this link or by clicking on the following QR Code.

This time we kindly ask you to share this article. All aquarium enthusiasts should see this absolute marvel. And if you have any questions, doubts or curiosity about this aquarium, I remind you that, in addition to leaving a comment below the article, you can find us on TelegramInstagramFacebookTwitter and Youtube, whichever social media you prefer, and we will always respond.

If you have made it this far, leave a comment below with the feeling this aquarium left you with.

[Thanks to our friend Maurizio Zannoni for video footage]


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