Home REEF AQUARIUM Reef Shot: the last news for dosing elements by ASF

Reef Shot: the last news for dosing elements by ASF

Reef Shot: da AFS una novità per il dosaggio in acquario

Aquarium Systems launched Reef Shot, an innovative system for dosing elements, micro elements and macro elements in aquarium, other than a vitamin dosing system.

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Let’s immediately spill the tea: this system is innovative because instead of bottles containing the products it uses vials. More convenient and secure in order to avoid the oxidation of the content once opened.

In fact, we know that many products have a tendency to oxide once they’re opened, that is they lose those characteristics that we need. With a vial system this doesn’t happen. Every package has 24 vials, but be careful: you don’t have to use the whole vial, you just have to use the included cap to close the vial. You can see the cap in the picture below:

Reef Shot: da AFS una novità per il dosaggio degli elementi

In this way the contain is preserved. In any case, this vial is smaller than the usual bottle, so you would use it all in less time. For this reason Reef Shot is innovative, beyond the quality of the product that we will test accurately in the next weeks.

The Reef Shot line

The products comprehended in the Reef Shot line are actually 7:

  • Calcium
  • Magnesium
  • Strontium
  • Iodide
  • Reef Elements
  • Vitamins
  • Coralline Boster

We can divide the range in two groups. One part is related to trace elements: Calcium, Magnesium, Strontium, Iodide and Reef Elements.

Reef Shot: da AFS una novità per il dosaggio degli elementi

While the other is is about coral health: Coralline Booster and Vitamins.

Reef Shot: da AFS una novità per il dosaggio degli elementi: benessere del corallo

In the next weeks we’ll treat extensively of each product, including our experiences. We would like to know what do you think, and especially your feedbacks. Also, if you have doubts or curiosities, you can always leave a commet here below the article or find us on TelegramInstagramFacebookX and YouTube, and if you need help we wait for you on our forum where we’ll answer to your questions.


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