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Translated by Federico Lavezzi

Translated by Federico Lavezzi
Laureato in Scienze Motorie, appassionato di mare a 360°. Ho iniziato a "giocare" con gli acquari all'età di 10 anni riempiendo sin da allora la casa di vasche.... Graduated in Physical Education, passionate about the sea at 360°. I started "playing" with aquariums since I was 10 years old, and I never stopped filling my house with tanks...

Tullio Dellaquila di ReefBrite ci racconta l’illuminazione in acquario

La scelta  delle luci per la corretta illuminazione delle nostre vasche è un aspetto con cui tutti noi acquariofili prima o poi dobbiamo avere...

I nuovi refrigeratori Teco consumano la metà e riscaldano meno l’ambiente

Qualche settimana fa vi abbiamo presentato la nuova sede della Teco, azienda italiana leader nel settore della refrigerazione per acquari (leggi qui). Oggi...

Teco in un evento privato ha presentato la nuova sede e...

Siamo stati invitati alla presentazione della nuova sede Teco di Ravenna, leader mondiale della refrigerazione per acquari. Siamo rimasti letteralmente a bocca aperta. L’evento si...

Colombo Phosphate Plus is the new source of phosphates for reef...

Phosphate Plus is the new additive for reef aquariums intended to advanced reefers presented by Colombo. This article is also available in: italiano The biggest...

Aqua Go a complete aquarium controller for only 300 €

Aqua Go was the biggest innovation of Pet Expo & Show at Bologna, and probably it was one of the biggest innovation of the year in...

Pacific Sun never stops surprising with new products

The booth Pacific Sun is definitely one of the fullest and the beautiful of all the Interzoo. A lot of news by the Polish brand were...

Dennerle shows great aquascaping sights during Interzoo 2018

At Dennerle's booth our friend Marco Saffioti welcomed us, and with an extreme excitement he showed us all the small tanks exposed. This article is also available in:  italian Those...

Discovering Omega One’s world and their food

During the last edition of Interzoo we had the luck to meet and know in person Omega One, a company specialized in food for aquarium fish,...

Outbreak: bacteria against organic compound for marine and freshwater

ATM presents Outbreak! Marine and Outbreak! FreshWater, respectively bacteria for marine and freshwater aquariums which take care of the organic compounds. This article is also available...

Askoll Pure Marine XL HC Led: a 130 litres compact marine...

Askoll Pure Marine XL HC Led is a complete and compact marine aquarium ready to use , an All In One as they say nowadays. This article...

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