Agnese Poggi
The corals development by AquaForest: AF Build and AF Energy
AF Energy and AF Build are two new products of the AquaForest line directed to the corals' growth and the food.
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Paradigm: the bioconditioner becomes natural with C vitamin and aloe vera
In the resarch of more innovative and natural powers, ATM releases on the market Paradigm All Natural, a completely natural bioconditioner, without adding chemicals.
How to prepare ourselves to a scheduled power outage
The lack of electric power is absolutaly letal for an aquarium. With this article we want to give you a guide for better facing...
How to cure fish affected by Cryptocaryon, Oodinium or similar
I've cheated a little about the title. I can't tell you how to proper cure it, but I can show you how to get...
Live rocks – how they should be treated once arrived
Speaking of Live Rocks isn't easy. But today we want to focus on their treatment at the moment of the arrive in the shop,...
Colombo Phosphate EX Nitrate Ex for the reduction of nitrates and...
The Dutch Colombo presents on the market two products thought for the elimination of nitrogen compounds, nitrates, and phosphate compounds, phosphates: Phosphate Ex and...
Supernova freshwater and Supernova marine: active carbon with bacteria from ATM
The active carbon according to ATM is called Supernova and it's available for marine and freshwater aquariums.
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Jiyin seems the Apple of aquariums at the CIPS 2017
If you love technology and aesthetics you sure know Apple. And if you was ever been in a Apple Store somewhere in the world...
A particular diffuser for skimmers by RedStarFish
We met RedStarFish during CIPS 2017 and, in addiction to the fine manufacture, it interested us especially for the new diffuser they build themselves.
CIPS 2017: I’m sure you haven’t seen Aquascapings like those
It's very hard to choose one Aquascaping for main picture of the today article, because we have seen some wonderful aquariums.
This article is also...