Home Authors Posts by Agnese Poggi

Agnese Poggi

Agnese Poggi
Laureata magistrale in Filosofia Teorica all'Università di Torino, ha completato il primo ciclo di studi a Macerata. Appassionata di scrittura e lingue straniere, su DaniReef collabora alla traduzione in inglese degli articoli. She earned a master's degree in Theoretical Philosophy at the University of Turin, but her studies started at the University of Macerata . She's passionate about writing and foreign languages, collaborates on DaniReef with the English translation of the articles.

Tunze Smart Controller 7000: the preview of the new multicontroller

Presented at the Interzoo 2016 (article) the Tunze Smart Controller 7000 it's finally in our hands to be tested with the also new Tunze...

Aqamai KPS – the new and small pump in our preview

The new and very little Aqamai KPS pump is finally in our hands for a complete test. Presentazione in italiano qui. It has been...

Menu Spirulina: pellet-type seaweed for fish by Equo

Menu Spirulina is the granular feed proposed by Equo for herbivorous fish. Qui l'articolo in italiano. We talked some days ago about the vegetal...

Seaweed Extreme: the fish algae from Japanese brand Hikari

Seaweed Extreme is a granular feed made by seaweeds proposed by the popular Japanese brand Hikari. clicca qui per l'articolo in italiano. Some months...

Waveline DC6000 – Variable Flow Pump – Review

The Waveline pumps are imported in Italy by AGP, we have had one to test in details: the Waveline DC6000. Qui la recensione...

GNC BluRay – this new ceiling light promises a real spectacle!

GNC presents the new GNC BluRay ceiling light, that promises a real spectacle from the beginning. Potete leggere l'articolo anche in italiano cliccando...

How to set a mono pump skimmer at its best

Let's see how to set the skimmer. L'articolo in italiano su come regolare lo schiumatoio lo trovate cliccando qui. We began last week the...

Maintenance of the skimmer: our guide to make it efficient

The skimmer is the heart of our aquariums. It's the main filter. Now we will show how to make its maintenance. qui l'articolo...

How to choose the right return pump for marine aquarium

The return pump for marine aquarium is absolutely necessary, but often you can read that many aquarists made wrong choices. Qui l'articolo in...

Tunze Turbelle Stream 3: preview

We have in our hands the Tunze Turbelle Stream 3 or Tunze 6150, a very special pump. Qui l'articolo in italiano. It has been...

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