La pulizia dell’iniettore dello skimmer – cleaning Elos NS1000
La pulizia dello schiumatoio. Uno dei problemi che affligge maggiormente uno skimmer è l'intasamento che si crea nel punto in cui l'aria viene...
Il costo di gestione della mia vasca – year expenses of my tank
Un altro anno è passato, e visto che tengo praticamente tutto in memoria in un file excel voglio vedere quale sia stato il...
Zeus by OceanLife
for english version please click here
Sono finalmente passato allo Zeus di OceanLife. Chi mi legge sa quanto reputo importante la mia vasca,...
Plankton – zooplankton and phytoplankton – getting to know them
In this second section I will refer to the particulate components that are produced by the rising deep currents, this component we call Plankton.
This article...
A new return pump: Sicce Syncra Silent 2.5
Since the last visit two years ago where I took the Eheim Compact Plus 2000 as a new return pump, also this...
Elos Test Kit Mg Magnesium
After presenting, the last week, the Elos test kit alkalinity KH (you can read the article here), today I present the Elos test kit...
High levels of nitrates, phosphates and nutrients in aquarium but without measuring them
This title says everything. We always measure the level of nitrates and phosphates, the we can have a value of zero but in...
Coral Spawning under Radions at the Natural History Museum of London
Image source:
A little while ago, Ecotech Marine published a video reporting the work of the Aquarium Curator of the Horniman Museum and...
Amphiprion frenatus reproduction at Jesolo Sea Life – Reportage and history
The first input for a successful reprodution of clownfishes in aquarium is the formation of a couple.
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