How to deal with a changing tank without problems. Chronicle of a special day.
Changing the tank is a procedure that virtually all aquarists have done at least once in their life, or that in any case, they...
New Corals from Korallen Zucht
During Interzoo we saw many and many things, but sure we was attracted from Corals by Korallen Zucht... great tank, as always, filled with...
A new return pump: Sicce Syncra Silent 2.5
Since the last visit two years ago where I took the Eheim Compact Plus 2000 as a new return pump, also this...
The project goes on: live rocks
The project goes on, after having presented the tank in the latest update of DaniReef ... Here I present the new live rocks aquascape!
The new project of DaniReef: the tank
Finally my new project takes off. After the problem of my previous tank that after two years had almost completely unstuck (see here), I...
My tank has got a big problem…
The reason for my inaction in recent weeks is due to the fact that my tank has decided to become unstuck ... has only...
Buon Compleanno Chrisiptera parasema – Happy birthday!!!
Buon compleanno Chrisiptera parasema!!!
E quest'anno sono 7 gli anni passati insieme :-) E sei il pesce più vecchio dell'acquario
Tanti auguri!
Happy birthday!
My Chrisiptera...
Pterapogon kauderni
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Sabato ho fatto un giro dall'amico Frate, AFP ACQUARI e sono tornato a casa con qualche pesciolino...
Lysmata amboinensis… and not only…
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Qualche giorno fa ho beccato il mio Lysmata amboinensis che si faceva guardare e così ne ho...