I danni del riccio Diadema – The Sea Urchin’s damages
Anche oggi mi sono avvicinato alla mia vasca ed anche oggi ho trovato le mie belle sorprese. Purtroppo è mattina è le luci...
My tank has got a big problem…
The reason for my inaction in recent weeks is due to the fact that my tank has decided to become unstuck ... has only...
Going from HQi to Led … my reef aquarium available for a thorough test
As many of you know I've always been skeptical about using LEDs in marine aquarium, for a variety of reasons that I'm going to...
Baby kauderni in my tank
Last week I was lucky enough to see the birth of some baby kauderni in my tank ... the third "big" event that until...
Lysmata amboinensis… and not only…
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Qualche giorno fa ho beccato il mio Lysmata amboinensis che si faceva guardare e così ne ho...
A new return pump: Sicce Syncra Silent 2.5
Since the last visit two years ago where I took the Eheim Compact Plus 2000 as a new return pump, also this...
Lysmata amboinensis
Lysmata amboinensis - Pacific scarlet cleaner shrimp (skunk cleaner shrimp)
Il mio personale punto di vista - my personal point of view :-)
My babies born Pterapogon kauderni… watch the amazing pictures and video HD with babies...
After about 40 days from the last birth, I've had another birth of my Pterapogon kauderni (Banggai cardinalfish)
In this picture you can see the...
Ecotech Marine Radion XR30w G2 Preview
We just finished a tremendous job with the ceiling light led Sicce GNC AM466 (coming soon the english review) that we throw ourselves headlong...
La Tridacna… da vicino – inside Tridacna
Quanto possono essere belle le Tridacne?
Io ne ho due, sono due Maxime. Una ha più di 6 anni, mentre l'altra ne ha quasi...