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Tag: bacteria

Daphbio BactoReef: innovative bacteria by DaphBio

Daphbio proposes the new bacteria BactoReef, high quality bacteria to colonize and keep the aquarium in perfect efficiency. This article is also available in: italiano We...

Microfauna Booster: the turbo by Daphbio for our marine aquarium

Microfauna booster is a special "accelerant" for our aquarium. Articolo scritto anche in italiano cliccando qui.

Outbreak: bacteria against organic compound for marine and freshwater

ATM presents Outbreak! Marine and Outbreak! FreshWater, respectively bacteria for marine and freshwater aquariums which take care of the organic compounds. This article is also available...

Colony Marine and Colony Freshwater – marine and freshwater bacteria by...

If you have ever seen Tanked (in Italy: Acquari di Famiglia) you've noticed that their aquariums starts very fast, with a very reduced...

Bacto: Colombo’s bacteria for start up and maintenance of aquarium

Bacto is the bacteria that Colombo is proposing for the start up of marine aquarium and for the maintenance of the biological nitrogen cicle. This article...

New Nutrobact from Equo – carbon for denitrifying bacteria

Equo recently presented a new interesting product: Nutrobact (qui l'articolo in lingua italiana) Nutrobact is an interesting product because it is a specific nutrient based on carbon for...

The bacteria and the method of bacterial reproduction inside marine aquarium

When we speak about bacteria in the aquarium, often we know just a few things  of these microorganisms. We often hear about methods for...

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